Metal without solos

Burning Darkness

Go fuck yourself
Mar 17, 2002
New York
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Do you guys think its alright for some metal songs to not have solos? Some bands like Fear Factory and Defleshed for example haven't had solos in their music...but they're still good.
Since Death is my fave band, I guess I really LOVE good, melodic
solos. But also the more chaotic Trey A solos are great as well.
Some bands, like you said, are cool without them. But solos are
some of the essence in the metal that I like the most!

Conclusion: I think that solos would work good in almost any
band! If they fit the music (of course)
Thats what I like about Testament. The soloing of alex skolnick in early albums turned a good thrash band in to an excellent one. I would say they are an integral part of metal. but not mandatory all the time
There's hardly any black metal that has solos. Maybe the newer more "commercial" wave of black metal, but stuff like Burzum, Satyricon and all that shit doesn't really have solos. The only solos I can come up with are one Mayhem's "De mysteriis..." LP, Arcturus "Aspera..." Lp and on the Immortal song "Blasphyrkh". Maybe Emperor has had some solos as well, I can't recall.
Originally posted by Vim Fuego
Metal without solos is hardcore.

No, that's too simplistic really.

very simplistic and very wrong. most black metal doesn't have solos and most doom metal doesn't have solos either.
the music would sound weird with someone wankin on it.

solos are cool in death and thrash but not necessary. and there is nothign worse than a bad soloist trying to do it. if you can't, dont.
Whenever I listen to anything I wait with baited breath for the solo. It is the pinnacle of the song. Metal without solos isnt true metal!! (Iced Earth have plenty of solos to make up for what isnt there in a few songs). If you think about it solos are a huge part of what makes metal.. metal. I know that those of you who listen to Nu, Death and black metal arent really into metal for the solos but it is a key element of metal and should be there at least in some form if not in typical composition. I think that is a huge part of why todays" metal is so boring and without feeling-because it lacks composition and soloing.I agree that Not all soloists are good and by no means should there be a solo just to have a solo...but when you design metal to be solo-less
it just becomes something else altogether. I think it points to a fundamental breakdown in society-musically speaking..the metal" of now is so barren of emotion and complex compositions- there are fewer solos and not much focus on the quality of song-its all about image and being the most brutal band on the planet. there are some bands trying to bring back the spirit of real metal but for the most part society doesnt want to have to "think about music.. its like the more notes a song has the bigger the turn off to ppl.So, bands just remove the parts seemingly not needed-hence the solos-and produce a simplistic 4 min piece of shit.It sells so it must be good right??
Many old school bands have 2 and 3 solos per song- and the main reason for that is ppl were more responsive at that time to having to use metal capacity when listening to music.
to me a solo can only be good if it's melodic or totally mind blowing, which is to say, 9 times out of ten I would take the solo out.
Then again, my official affiliation if I had one would be punk/hc, although I've been into metal since I was like 11. To me, some guy wanking on his guitar is usually just boring. If I want to be amazed by technical ability, I'll listen to Joe Pass (jazz) or someone like that.
For sure! I agree! A guitar solo is definately an awsome part of a song, sometimes the part of the song that you can't wait to hear! Yngwie Malmsteen practically solos throughout all his shit and I love it! I love that there are sooo many notes, although I love the heavy chords too! I think that if a band has a guitarist that isn't too good at soloing then get a second guitarist that can and have two guitars!! Bands like Judas Priest! iron Maiden! Scorpions! Metallica! Having the two guitars makes all the difference!!:loco:
In the band I am in we have three guitarists, three LEAD guitarists, we play a brand of thrash that is thought ot be extinct(old school), in one of our songs we have FIVE FUCKING SOLOS, I do two, then the other guys do one including our bass player, we wrote thet song specifically because we hate how music in general has seemed to shun solos, FUCK that! We're all good, we write good solos so we play a lot of them. My biggest influence is Chuck Schuldiner, to me he was the best at writing solos. BTW not all of our songs have solos in them, just most of them.
Yah! Fuck'n Cool!! Three guitars! You must have a full, thick sound! And a shit load of solos!! Cool! Yah, Iron Maiden has had the three guitars going for the last album and I saw them tour back in 1999 when Dickenson & Adrian Smith rejoined and then the Brave New World tour also, fuck'n sounded deadly!! Right on!!;)