Overcast, is probably the most overlooked metalcore band, due to the fact they had members of bands like KsE and Shadows Fall.

In all reality, Expectational Dilution is one of the best metalcore albums ever released and for anyone who doubts the capability of KsE and SF guys to do something good, well check this band out. Fight Ambition to Kill is also pretty good, if not better than ED.
Witchburner said:
Go ahead and load up your arsenal of weapons. I'm ready for the attack
that's about to be bestowed on me.

does anyone listen to bands like The Haunted, Lamb of God, Shadows Fall, Mastodon etc. etc. ?
I confess that for awhile I was into the first Mastodon album and
Lamb of God but that's about it.

OK, so I am not really adding anything of value to this thread, just stating my opinion. I personally can't stand that metalcore stuff.

Scourge of Malice said:
HAHAHA you knock Mastodon, and suck off THE HAUNTED... amazing. Please remove yourself from existence.

The only metalcore I like is Botch, tDep, old Hopesfall, City of Caterpillar (although maybe I shouldn't categorize them as this...), and maybe a couple others. The rest is complete dickless crap with recycled shitty at the gates riffs.

Botch is not Metalcore LOL :tickled:
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Since when did mainstream metal = metalcore? I thought metalcore described a genre of music in which hardcore and metal were blended, not what you called a metal band that sells more than 100,000 copies of their CD.


the Abscense metalcore? I dont hear it.
Eh, i think most people call them metalcore, but they're definitely not the same ol metal core most people think of, and most people are stupid anyways. Whatever they are, they were great!

And old Cave In is some quality metal core. Some of the first. Prayer For Cleansing was alright too, they were kinda the first to do that style weren't they?
Gory Elephant said:
OK, so I am not really adding anything of value to this thread, just stating my opinion. I personally can't stand that metalcore stuff.


i can tell. on your profile you look like some normal guy, but really your probably like the biggest metalhead out there just waiting for someone to dis metal so you can BLOW THEIR HEADS IN WITH A SHOTGUN!!!

Just screwin with ya. Most metal core does suck. I bought a norma jean album(metalcore???). i didnt like it much
I can appreciate some metalcore, I just don't care for the metalcore scene/mentality.It reminds me too much of straight edge.

I haven't read this entire thread, but if no one has said LIFEBLEED yet-they fuckin' rule.

NASUM is good too, but they, like HATEBREED, are fast becoming the Straight edge poster boys.

Lastly, LAMB OF GOD fuckin' RULES and they are NOT Metalcore.
I can appreciate some metalcore, I just don't care for the metalcore scene/mentality.It reminds me too much of straight edge.QUOTE]

This message approved by Sinister Mephisto.

I hate straight edge. If you don't want to drink or whatever fine, same here. but shut the fuck up about it...