metalhead owns the wigger


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
some wiggers have been starting with me and my friends for quite a while
tonight me and my friends were at the local venue because my friends band had a show after the show we were all worn out from playing and the pits so as the band is taking their equiptment outside these dumb wiggers pull up in 3 cars
their fighting with my friend over fighting one on one and he doesn't want to because he knows stupid wiggers don't know the meaning of one on one
so then the wigger leader says wheres eric who is my friend everyone likes to pick on him, finds him and punches him in the jaw, eric busted the guys lip open and smashed his head into a concrete wall and then jsut as frank said all the wiggers jumped in, then it was all broken up and turned into a verbal arguement and almost started again when some dumb wigger got in my face because i was screaming at him
soon thw wiggers hopped in their cars and drove off to tend to their dumb leader when they saw the venue owners come out
dumb frigen wiggers got owned tonight and im very proud of me, my friends, and all the people that supported us when these pussies showed up
Nice one.
I have had similar experiences and I must say I am sick of these wiggers and all they seem to stand for.
One of my friends used to get beat up at school by wiggers because he played the bass in a band. Now is that stupid or what.
It is good to see you showed them who is boss.
In England us Metalheads get shit from loads of different under privilaged social groups!

It's good to see that people stand up for themselves haha!
Aecliptica said:
wow, use some punctuation so i can understand what youre saying...and how could you be calling them dumb if you cant even spell construct proper paragraphs yourself? :lol:
you must be a wigger
welp, nice to know that you stand up for your friends and shit... stupid fucking wiggers don't understand anything, and they think they're hard, but as soon as conflict shows up, they're the first ones to back out of shit. fucking dickheads...
Nothing like an old fashioned ass whipping to keep the wiggers from getting too comfortable.