Metallica cover multitrack to mix

They are called Frantica.
I will get to listen to the mixes next week some time.
My mix is a bit bright now that I listen to it.
I did the mixes at the end of 2 days of tracking so my high end was a bit shot by then.

I am happy that people are enjoying this. Hopefully it is giving people the chance to mix a well played full live kit. A lot of multis here tend to be midi drums.

It really struck me, when recording these, how well the songs are arranged, leaving lots of space for everything to cut through. One great example is the clean guitar for verse 2. The first couple of chords are 1 track to let the end of the lead through then the second clean track comes in half way through a measure to replace the lead. Simple but very clever.
Go for it.
This will be truly internatonal:)
An Irish band covering an American band with a mix on an Australian studio's website.

Haha, not as internation as the Clipping Death project was!

All Englishman covering an American band, with a frenchman playing bass, a German and a Chilean playing the solos, mixed in Canada and mastered in Germany!
Downloading Now.. Will mix tomorrow..

PS: You gotta to upload that Ride The Lightning Cover, that'd be sweet. love that song..

If only the good ol' Talliboys would make such songs again.........

Ride The Lightning

Had my last nightshift last night. Did 2 hours of sleep caus of the fucking vuvuzela's of my neighbours.
Not happy with the solosound. For old time sake there should be a delay at the end. And some reverb on the guitars, toms are also too dry, I think.

Guitars are Di's > Tubescreamer TS10 > Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp > Harley Benton V30 2x12 > Cascade Fathead ribbon mike > Focusrite Liquid saffire 56.
Bassguitar: TSS, SoloC (clean) and some eq.

Was fun working with these files.
Thanx Mickrich!!

Edit: Reamped throug a Marshall 8100 with tubescreamer: Ride Marshall 8100