Metallica - Death Magnetic ripped!

Today a DJ on a major Philadelphia rock station said that the production was amazing and what an awesome job Rubin did and was going on and on about how great it sounds. lol. Gotta love DJs.
So then Caveman Ninja now you'll have to pwn yourself and change the title to "pwning n00bs till 2008"

:lol: Touché people, touché. It is done.

The funny thing is, I found this forum, then discovered Dan was here. I know Dan in real life, we share a band. Someone posted those lyrics on another forum. I thought "wow, Dan would lamow at that" so posted them here for him to see... only to discover that he wrote them and had posted them here in the first place. Self-pwnage to the max :lol: In future I will attempt not to be such an 1d10t.
Today a DJ on a major Philadelphia rock station said that the production was amazing and what an awesome job Rubin did and was going on and on about how great it sounds. lol. Gotta love DJs.
Yeah, last week I heard something like that as well. "Great album...", "Kirk is the best guitar player in the band..." LMAO. :loco:

But well, I'm a DJ myself and lately I received an angry email by some guy after allowing myself to say (on the radio) that St. Anger and Death Magnetic might be seen as "not so great attempts" by some fans. :lol:
:lol: Touché people, touché. It is done.

The funny thing is, I found this forum, then discovered Dan was here. I know Dan in real life, we share a band. Someone posted those lyrics on another forum. I thought "wow, Dan would lamow at that" so posted them here for him to see... only to discover that he wrote them and had posted them here in the first place. Self-pwnage to the max :lol: In future I will attempt not to be such an 1d10t.

Yeah, last week I heard something like that as well. "Great album...", "Kirk is the best guitar player in the band..." LMAO. :loco:

But well, I'm a DJ myself and lately I received an angry email by some guy after allowing myself to say (on the radio) that St. Anger and Death Magnetic might be seen as "not so great attempts" by some fans. :lol:

I'm glad that you didn't take offense being that you are a DJ and I don't think all are lame but lately I wish they would just keep their opinions to themselves.
Don't worry, I'm not easily offended. (And if I was I would have told you to fuck off anyway. ;)).

Well, personally I think it all depends... The "Great album" and " guitar player..." comments were made in a show that's actually about the music. You know, were new music is introduced, stuff is being discussed and so on. I think it's ok to place your personal opinion in such a show. (It was airing from 10-12 in the evening.)

Yesterday the DJs of our weekly Metal-show complained about the sound quality of Death Magnetic on their show. Completely fine to me as well.

However a DJ shouldn't spell out his opinion during daytime. People don't really wanna hear a lot of talking when they are just listening to music during their work or something like that. It wouldn't be wise to piss off your listeners that way either and without a doubt there's a lot more people tuning in to your station during daytime than at night.

I made my comment in a "music show" as well (airing from 6-9 in the evening) and I wasn't like "St. Anger and Death Magnetic are shit" but more like "Some fans think St. Anger and Death Magnetic are not that great compared to what Metallica have done before that". You know what I'm saying? Keeping it neutral here...
The St. Anger-Fanboy that send me that Email afterwards was something like "It's a pity you only say what you've heard but don't look behind what's going on". Well, I did but I doubt he would have like what I'd have to say about it! ;) As if St. Anger was (objectivelly) that great anyway... Whatever. :D
Don't worry, I'm not easily offended. (And if I was I would have told you to fuck off anyway. ;)).

Well, personally I think it all depends... The "Great album" and " guitar player..." comments were made in a show that's actually about the music. You know, were new music is introduced, stuff is being discussed and so on. I think it's ok to place your personal opinion in such a show. (It was airing from 10-12 in the evening.)

Yesterday the DJs of our weekly Metal-show complained about the sound quality of Death Magnetic on their show. Completely fine to me as well.

However a DJ shouldn't spell out his opinion during daytime. People don't really wanna hear a lot of talking when they are just listening to music during their work or something like that. It wouldn't be wise to piss off your listeners that way either and without a doubt there's a lot more people tuning in to your station during daytime than at night.

I made my comment in a "music show" as well (airing from 6-9 in the evening) and I wasn't like "St. Anger and Death Magnetic are shit" but more like "Some fans think St. Anger and Death Magnetic are not that great compared to what Metallica have done before that". You know what I'm saying? Keeping it neutral here...
The St. Anger-Fanboy that send me that Email afterwards was something like "It's a pity you only say what you've heard but don't look behind what's going on". Well, I did but I doubt he would have like what I'd have to say about it! ;) As if St. Anger was (objectivelly) that great anyway... Whatever. :D

Everything you said here is how I feel.
You my friend, know whats up, so kudos to you. :kickass:
So my buddy bought DM at Hot topic today. He put it on in his car. He said he couldn't discern any extreme, harsh clipping as is the case with my copy that I bought on release day. I'm gonna throw his version on my system and compare. He said "Beaten, Battered, and Scarred" and "The Day that..." sounded cool. No clipping! Could they have fixed it this soon!?
Got the album on friday... song wise it is not too bad at all, I think the 3 songs they exposed before the release are 3 of the worst.
It just sounds like it was mixed by a name producer who doesn't know anything about metal. As the snare is so loud I don't want to really crank the volume, so as a result the guitars don't feel meaty enough in comparison. I'm happy enough though and it blows st anger away. Not better than the black album as some people suggest...

If I'd have produced the album (and had balls big enough) I would have said the following major points:

1) I don't care if you want a really loud "natural" sounding kit, it sounds like ass. This is what we're going for *hands Lars formation of damnation* And I'm bigger than you so there.

2) Guys. Guys. 3 or 4 long songs is cool. You're Metallica - go for it. But over 70 minutes of songs, all of them epic? We don't REALLY need that extra 15 minutes of third or fourth verses do we... We'll put those in the 'maybe pile' shall we? *sends to recycle bin*

3) Ok chaps. We've got some epicly long songs... and we've got some cool riffs. But where is the epic sections? Three part harmonies. Thats right, like the start of Battery or the end of And Justice For All. Yes, I know it's a lot less effort to write 50 riffs in pro-tools and copy and paste them together, but your massive post-Maiden middle sections of the mid to late 80's were an absolute treat on the ears.

4) James my son. Get your wife to pick up the kids, you're tracking guitars til 2am mate. What's that? Your wife is busy today? Fuck it, send Kirk. He ain't touching this record til solo time. And, yes I know you've already played that riff perfectly. Twice. We're going to do that again. And again. Layer it until it sounds like fucking SATAN.

5) Time out boys, I'm writing a letter. Dear Mr Sneap, The album is coming along nicely. Please can you re-amp these guitar tracks. I warn you in advance, there is a lot of them... but our budget is infinity billion pounds and the songs are a lot shorter and better now. Ta.



You all got your answer...

METALLICA's LARS ULRICH Breaks Silence On 'Death Magnetic' Sound Quality Controversy - Sep. 29, 2008
METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich has commented on the fan-generated controversy over the audio quality of the group's new album, "Death Magnetic".

In a brand new interview with, Ulrich responded to the complaints by saying, "Listen, there's nothing up with the audio quality. It's 2008, and that's how we make records. Rick Rubin's whole thing is to try and get it to sound lively, to get it to sound loud, to get it to sound exciting, to get it to jump out of the speakers. Of course, I've heard that there are a few people complaining. But I've been listening to it the last couple of days in my car, and it sounds fuckin' smokin'.

"Somebody told me about [people complaining that the Guitar Hero version of 'Death Magnetic' sounds better]. Listen, what are you going to do? A lot of people say [the CD] sounds great, and a few people say it doesn't, and that's OK. You gotta remember, when we put out '...And Justice for All', people were going, 'What happened to these guys, this record? There's no bass on it. It sounds like it was recorded in a fuckin' garage on an eight-track.' And now '...And Justice for All' is sort of the seminal METALLICA record that supposedly influenced a whole generation of death-metal bands. The difference between back then and now is the Internet.

"The Internet gives everybody a voice, and the Internet has a tendency to give the complainers a louder voice. Listen, I can't keep up with this shit. Part of being in METALLICA is that there's always somebody who's got a problem with something that you're doing: 'James Hetfield had something for breakfast that I don't like.' That's part of the ride.

"I will say that the overwhelming response to this new record has exceeded even our expectations as far as how positive it is. So I'm not gonna sit here and get caught up in whether [the sound] 'clips' or it doesn't 'clip.' I don't know what kind of stereos these people listen on. Me and James made a deal that we would hang back a little and not get in the way of whatever Rick's vision was. That's not to put it on him — it's our record, I'll take the hit, but we wanted to roll with Rick's vision of how METALLICA would sound."
Fuck Metallica, fuck their n00b fans who worship the ground they walk on, and fuck Lars and his delusions. Harumph...
Ya the new album is pretty good almost like old metallica, not really lyric wise, but still a good album. it was only a matter of time b4 someone ripped it to post on da net lol