Metallica "Frantic" sample

You obviously have no idea of what I'm talking about. Grand Declaration isn't about speed at all, it's about technicality. Mastodon's drummer isn't good because of speed, but because of the absolutely amazing and complex drumming that he can perform while keeping time. In fact, his drumming is so good that it turned an album I would normally think was ok into a masterpiece. And Converge's drummer for Jane Doe (I know his last name is Sandoval, I forget his first name) makes some of the most atypical rhythms and drum patterns while keeping time with the best of them. He makes Meshuggah's drummer look like Lars Ulrich (if you think that Meshuggah have a bad drummer, you are deaf).

Also, if you'll notice, I said that Dave Lombardo got better after his stint with John Zorn. Before, he focused on speed mainly. After, he focused on more jazzy rhythms, just listen to Fantomas - s/t and drool.

I don't think that simply playing fast makes you good, otherwise I would suggest other drummers like Nick Barker. Jan Axel Von Blomberg has shown himself to be the world's best drummer by using such diverse styles on drumming. He has used militaristic drumming on Grand Declaration of War, a more synchronized industrial style with The Kovenant, a more jazzy laid back rock style with Winds, and a more complex odd time signature style with Arcturus.
Also, I doubt you've heard Mastodon before with the comment you made about their drummer just keeping time. That band is very interesting because the guitars are kept in simplistic riffing patterns (well, close to simplistic, less complex than Dillinger Escape Plan and more complex than Isis) while the drums are all over the place, yet never even close to sloppy. Listen to their latest album and then get back to me, you'll realize exactly what I'm talking about.
both mastodon and titd are cool. but one thing i don't get is why does every drummer have to play complicated, jazzlike tunes to be considered good?

me fave drummer is bill ward. just the ending of war pigs is enough for me to say that. oh, and john bonham was ace too.
i saw on tv them playing frantic live at the mtv show...i dont like it, i do agree that metallica aint that special anymore, but i still like everything up to load. and love everything before the black album. then i dont really care if they are not the greatest technically, the point of the matter is that they did some unbelieavable stuff in their past..the whole thing about james's lyrics not being good...well, i think most of metal songs lyrics are complete cheesy bullshit..then the whole no skill, vibrato, blah blah crap..who cares, alot of metal bands that u probably listen to dont have any of that, ur beloved vinny doesnt either on some past albums, yet you still listen to it!
the fact of the matter is that metallica are legendary and produced in their past some of the best music, their 60 million album sales speak for themselves...ok ok, dont give me the 'who cares if they sold alot, limp bizkit sells alot and they are shit', but metallica is on a completely different range, and even their so not commercially influenced first 4 albums sold quite a bit. screw your mdb, cof, opeth, and all that bollocks. oh, let me guess, cof is shit now because alot of people listen to it? its hilarious how metal fans like something when its not very famous, so u can all be different, then when they get famous, they are shit...could it really be that fame fucks a band up, or that some fans are just into the idea of being different????
let me underline that when i say 'metal fans' i dont mean to stereotype all of metal fans, but i mean some(alot that I have encountered)...
oe said:
i saw on tv them playing frantic live at the mtv show...i dont like it, i do agree that metallica aint that special anymore, but i still like everything up to load. and love everything before the black album. then i dont really care if they are not the greatest technically, the point of the matter is that they did some unbelieavable stuff in their past..the whole thing about james's lyrics not being good...well, i think most of metal songs lyrics are complete cheesy bullshit..then the whole no skill, vibrato, blah blah crap..who cares, alot of metal bands that u probably listen to dont have any of that, ur beloved vinny doesnt either on some past albums, yet you still listen to it!
the fact of the matter is that metallica are legendary and produced in their past some of the best music, their 60 million album sales speak for themselves...ok ok, dont give me the 'who cares if they sold alot, limp bizkit sells alot and they are shit', but metallica is on a completely different range, and even their so not commercially influenced first 4 albums sold quite a bit. screw your mdb, cof, opeth, and all that bollocks. oh, let me guess, cof is shit now because alot of people listen to it? its hilarious how metal fans like something when its not very famous, so u can all be different, then when they get famous, they are shit...could it really be that fame fucks a band up, or that some fans are just into the idea of being different????

Cradle of Filth are decent, but they only have some good material to them because Dani's voice is so abysmal that it destroys almost any enjoyment I find in their music.

That said, Metallica are NOT on a different level from Limp Bizkit, they are on the exact same. They both play incredibly tired and generic music that fans claim is original (how??? are they deaf???) and they both have almost zero skill yet fans claim that they are highly skilled musicians (how??? are they deaf???).

And there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that Vincent can sing circles around James.

And I'm surprised you singled out CoF as the popular band from your list when Opeth are just as popular. Try and be a little consistent, don't make generalizations, and never, ever assume anything. You are quite possibly the biggest dumbass I have encountered in a long time.
LuminousAether said:
That said, Metallica are NOT on a different level from Limp Bizkit, they are on the exact same. They both play incredibly tired and generic music that fans claim is original (how??? are they deaf???) and they both have almost zero skill yet fans claim that they are highly skilled musicians (how??? are they deaf???).

You shouldn't judge bands by the behavior of their fans. (but i think i can see what you were trying to say)
LuminousAether said:
That said, Metallica are NOT on a different level from Limp Bizkit, they are on the exact same. They both play incredibly tired and generic music that fans claim is original (how??? are they deaf???) and they both have almost zero skill yet fans claim that they are highly skilled musicians (how??? are they deaf???).

And there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that Vincent can sing circles around James.

And I'm surprised you singled out CoF as the popular band from your list when Opeth are just as popular. Try and be a little consistent, don't make generalizations, and never, ever assume anything. You are quite possibly the biggest dumbass I have encountered in a long time.

metallica not original? bah! man you need a good bum! (cedar your turn?) I'm not saying i like their newer stuff but they are always tending to do sth special.

Vinnie? yeah right... my turn to to say you have to be consistent. and more then a little... haha

cof is a good example. and he mentioned opeth as well. so whats your point? it seems you're one of those faking metalheads eh?
LuminousAether said:
That said, Metallica are NOT on a different level from Limp Bizkit, they are on the exact same. They both play incredibly tired and generic music that fans claim is original (how??? are they deaf???) and they both have almost zero skill yet fans claim that they are highly skilled musicians (how??? are they deaf???).

And there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that Vincent can sing circles around James.
Hahahahhaa this Luminous boy is so funny.
Look, I've been listening to a LOT of bands doind Metallica covers.
98 % of these covers was absolute SHIT. And at these times you really see the difference in skill. Yes, SKILL. It just sounds so lame when other bands play their songs. The only real good cover I've heard so far is Dark Tranquillity - My Friend of Misery. The rest is crap. Some bands try to make their cover original (they fail) and some bands try to get close as possible to the original (they fail!). It sounds lame, and that's partly because most of their singers don't fit the music, so there you can see that James does a good job. There are even a lot of bands that just AVOID the solo's and skip those parts --> lame.
Conclusion: Metallica not skilled or original? Me Arse.

Oh and for Vincent: You obviously haven't heard Anathema live yet, or maybe once, when Vinny had a good day. On 50 % of the gigs he's off tune regularly or he's moaning instead of singing.
I consider James to be one of the absolute worst vocalists of all time.

And Sum 41 on the Metallica Icon actually played better than Metallica. SUM FUCKING 41. That says a lot.

Also, how am I a faking metalhead? I'm not a metalhead, nor have I ever claimed to be one. I like some metal music, mostly doom and black metal, but overall I am a music fan. I do not discriminate against other styles of music (which makes me a non-metalhead by default) and I absolutely hate power and thrash metal. Those are quite disabling criteria right there. I guess I'm what you'd call an "art-fag" and I wear that label with pride. Metallica are purely primal, simian music and that to me makes them unlistenable and only worthy of a laugh. Any band that would sing about gasoline fueling a racecar engine is a band that should die, slowly and painfully.