Metallica "Frantic" sample

"and the farce that is modern democracy."
you dont like farcical modern democracies?? go live in a country thats is'nt a modern democarcy for a while and see how much you like it. Start in rwanda or maybe the congo.

Damn intellectuals :lol:
Bambi said:
ewwwww... I found it!!!

the next string of lives will know our speed limit
the next string of lives will do everything to break it
the next string of lives will deny you a grave
the next string of lives will make you a slave


Thats fantastic :ill:
them words complement mine!
Thortyir said:
Noooo, I think he's from the US, he experiences it everyday... :lol::loco::Smug:
Anyway, Nice one Bambi! ;)

He seems to be quite the english teacher too, maybe he can help us out to analyze poems and see the literary techniques that the artist uses to get his point across. Sounds like english class all over again to me! I thought that crap would never be useful to me, I guess it is in the forum! Oh crap, I better re-read and check if I have grammar mistakes or run-on sentences. I might get a bad grade on my forum posting.....oe.
LuminousAether said:
I can't help but be rude and insulting about Metallica, that is a topic that I am very passionate about. I think Metallica almost ruined metal, and metal has taken a long time to come back from the damage they caused. :)


pleeeaseee! say you don't mean this !

oh, and laughing at people's imperfect english is lame ...
how many languages do you speak ? perfect ?
Imperfect is a HUGE understatement. If you are trying to insult my intelligence or my viewpoints, and you can't even conduct yourself in a manner higher than kindergarten level grammar, I'm not going to take you seriously and will probably find your stammered reply to be hilarious.

And yes, I do honestly think that Metallica and other metal bands from the 80's almost destroyed metal.
"and you can't even conduct yourself in a manner higher than kindergarten level grammar, I'm not going to take you seriously and will probably find your stammered reply to be hilarious. " =trollus vulgaris

you cant handle the truth :lol:, if it was'nt for what happened in the eighties you would'nt have an underground scene now. But you know all this of course cos you were around at the time . Werent you??
a whole decade was focused on image?? wow congratulations oversimplfication of the month. 70s rock was mostly self indulgent bollix that why we needed punk to sort that flared prog mess out.