Metallica "Frantic" sample

Dear Luminous, I'm not defending Metallica for songs like Fuel, but songs from the first albums ONLY. I thought that was clear.

"Metallica are purely primal, simian music and that to me makes them unlistenable and only worthy of a laugh."
Worthy of a laugh? Must be you!
LuminousAether said:
I consider James to be one of the absolute worst vocalists of all time.

And Sum 41 on the Metallica Icon actually played better than Metallica. SUM FUCKING 41. That says a lot.

but you have to admit that the vocal performance of the Sum 41 singer
was terrible and fucked the whole song imo, so was Avril Lavigne, Limp Bizkit. Only two mediocre till good vocal performances were Stained (good) and Korn (ok), but those as well as the other weren't anything special and came close to James. But it's just my thoughts.....

Cradle of Filth are decent, but they only have some good material to them because Dani's voice is so abysmal that it destroys almost any enjoyment I find in their music.
-ok, thats an opinion i can respect that.

That said, Metallica are NOT on a different level from Limp Bizkit, they are on the exact same. They both play incredibly tired and generic music that fans claim is original (how??? are they deaf???) and they both have almost zero skill yet fans claim that they are highly skilled musicians (how??? are they deaf???).
-ok, another opinion mr.i know everything, i never said that they had technical talent, but not that u mention it I think they do. Musically is what counts the most.

And there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that Vincent can sing circles around James.
-yeah mr.i know it all, how can you say conclude that, i dont think vinny does any harder technical stuff on anathema albums than james does..not that technicality matters as long as it sounds good.

And I'm surprised you singled out CoF as the popular band from your list when Opeth are just as popular. Try and be a little consistent, don't make generalizations, and never, ever assume anything. You are quite possibly the biggest dumbass I have encountered in a long time.
-you are quite bitter my friend, sorry for not singling out every crap(my opinion) metal band that i could have mentioned, i took cof as an example. You assumed earlier that vinny could sing circles around james, you are assuming that im a dumbass, you are assuming that metallica fans(oh, did u just make a generalization there) are deaf(another assumption?), sounds like someone is bitter today and didnt practice what they preach!
I posted my opinion, and if you hadnt realized, my post was directed at you specifically, only a few pointers that I made were. The rest wasnt, and i didnt make generalizations(if you notice, under my first post, there is a part that says 'and i dont mean all metal fans ofcourse). sorry if your dead defensive, and bitter these days. yours truly, oe.
oh, i made an error there, incase u didnt catch it, the line that goes
"I posted my opinion, and if you hadnt realized, my post was directed at you specifically, only a few pointers that I made were", replace the was with WASNT directed at you. just thought id mention it.
i always tend to see this forum as physical as a room. it's about time we brought in some plates and mugs to throw around, considering these lovely arguments :lol:
LuminousAether said:
Cradle of Filth are decent, but they only have some good material to them because Dani's voice is so abysmal that it destroys almost any enjoyment I find in their music.

That said, Metallica are NOT on a different level from Limp Bizkit, they are on the exact same. They both play incredibly tired and generic music that fans claim is original (how??? are they deaf???) and they both have almost zero skill yet fans claim that they are highly skilled musicians (how??? are they deaf???).

And there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that Vincent can sing circles around James.

And I'm surprised you singled out CoF as the popular band from your list when Opeth are just as popular. Try and be a little consistent, don't make generalizations, and never, ever assume anything. You are quite possibly the biggest dumbass I have encountered in a long time.

this came as a big shock. metallica may not have released something very original for the last few years, but their first few albums are just pure masterpieces, justice being my favorite. and nothing can be as low as limp bizkit...maybe blink 182...

and james is a great vocalist, too.
ewwwww... I found it!!!

the next string of lives will know our speed limit
the next string of lives will do everything to break it
the next string of lives will deny you a grave
the next string of lives will make you a slave

That's the first verse. Here's the entire lyrics (I regard these as the worst Solefald lyrics, which are still far more interesting than most bands):

[C:] The next string of lives will know our speed limit
[L:] The next string of lives will do everything to break it
[C:] The next string of lives will deny you a grave
[L:] The next string of lives will regard you as a slave
[C:] The next string of masters will ignore the bills you passed
[L:] The next string of masters will change the order fast
[C:] The next string of masters will not know the earth
[L:] The next string of masters will live alone from birth
The next string of deaths will be yours and mine
The next string of deaths will be blessed with sunshine
[C:] The next string of deaths will be yours and mine
[L:] The next string of deaths will be blessed with sunshine
[C:] The next string of deaths will rewrite the traffic rules
The next string of deaths will illuminate the schools

What this song is about is quite obvious, it is fear for the future and the continuing destruction of society. It uses repetition and a simple rhyme scheme to bring the point about. With lines that suggest that the following generations will be dark and violent in comparison to the previous generations that are "blessed with sunshine," it's easy to see the future-phobia in these lyrics. What you also didn't mention is that the album these lyrics are taken from is from a concept album and these are simply the viewpoints of one of the two characters in the story.

Here's a better example of their lyrics:

CK II Chanel No 6
Come to me through the channels of the soul
Pantheon of designer rock 'n' roll
The war broke out in the back of my head
No victims but several dead

Clear the lounge furnished with skulls
Put out my heart and replace it with pulse
Love is the glue of our fragmentary nature
Highly compatible with winner culture

Marx in the red corner, Machiavelli in the blue
Equality asked for knock-out and got it too
The police shield and the ares-licking swan
System run by N. Selection & Son

Charles Darwin I don't want to be rude
But the panic-stricken herd trade their necks for food
Ladykillers maneaters fight about the roadmaps
Predators chase prey from mobile death traps

Coco Chanel - welcome to hell
Let me out of my prison cell
I bring you hot towels and flamboyant oils
I'm a cat stuck between transparent doors

Prometheus chained I wait for the eagle
To peck out my liver through the bullet-proof glass
Survival of the fittest suits me fine
The truth as it was told to me by Calvin Klein

These lyrics are an obvious diatribe against consumerism, capitalism, and the farce that is modern democracy.
Anyway guys, we can talk for hours about tastes in music... Who's right, who's wrong?! You get YOUR answer, but understand that some people (I repeat PEOPLE, not DUMBASS) have different tastes... Respect it...