Metallica Fuckin Blows

what the fuck do you know.

metallica was rockin when cob, cof and this shit were in their pants drinking milk and watching cartoones what the fuck do you know. AND THEY ARE STILL ROCKIN TODAY AND THEY WILL STILL ROCK TOMMOROW. SO FUCK YOU
janez79 said:
what the fuck do you know.

metallica was rockin when cob, cof and this shit were in their pants drinking milk and watching cartoones what the fuck do you know. AND THEY ARE STILL ROCKIN TODAY AND THEY WILL STILL ROCK TOMMOROW. SO FUCK YOU
why don't you go fuck yourself while listening to your St.Wanker cd

yes metallica was "rocking" back when cob were in their pants watching cartoons and drinking milk whatever you like to put it, but you see that was back when metallica were good, then they started getting mainstream which wasn't much of a problem for me, it was how their music has changed, and i didn't like it, and then came suck and re-suck, i'm not going to get into that.
IconOfSin said:
why don't you go fuck yourself while listening to your St.Wanker cd

yes metallica was "rocking" back when cob were in their pants watching cartoons and drinking milk whatever you like to put it, but you see that was back when metallica were good, then they started getting mainstream which wasn't much of a problem for me, it was how their music has changed, and i didn't like it, and then came suck and re-suck, i'm not going to get into that.

....You talk as if anyone might give a shit what you think..... why is that ?
hmmm, this thread is horribly negative,
perhaps some of you should just realise that music in itself is completely subjective, there's no need to swear at someone else because they consider a paticular band more worthy than another.

*internet hug*
Metallica do not fit into any one genre. Especially since you cant even put any two of their albums in the same genre, apart from maybe Load and Reload....

Perhaps some people need to be less concerned with the paticular genre music is defined into.

You are all acting quite defensive as to wether the majority of people deem metallica to be a good band or a bad band. Which is obviously very silly seeing as music in no way can be officially described as 'good' or 'bad' because people listen to music for different reasons.

Listening to music because of the bands technical skill/song writing capabilities or their spiritual/philosophical views are eaqually good reasons to listening to music because you identify with some sort of cultural aspect of the music. EG chart music, and black metal.

So perhaps rather than saying "fuck you! metallica are fucking tr00" or the opposite, perhaps it would be more interesting, or dare I say more beneficial to the quality of human life, if you explained more clearly what you like/dislike about a paticular band. In this case metallica.