Metallica Icon = Lame

Mr. Wu

May 7, 2002
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I keep hearing how "heavy" the new Metallica is yet this Icon thing couldn't be gayer.
And they'r still taking Fred Douche on tour with them.
Talk about pandering to the MTV generation.
I don't get why MTV,the kings of pop and crap music would want to pay homage to Metallica...Metallica owes nothing to them! plus...what the hell is that lineup????Avril,Sucks 41,korn,Lame Biskit?????

and about that tour,I'm going but just to see Metallica.....I don't understand why they decide to take on tour such lame bands whn they could take Anthrax for example?

And about the album....guess we'll have to wait and see,listen.
can't understand why people keep bashing on MTV, who made Anti-Social a big tv favourite, who's teaming up with Trax on the BAll?????
I know MTV is not all that, but for a lot of people it's the only source to see some cool shit!!

and now I'm back to my MTV Spears compilation....Joey give me some tissues!!!!!!!
Yeah sum 41 do like lots of goood metal don't like there music tho.
But the new metallica cover looks a lot like nation by sepultura