Metallica or Megadeth

Megadeth! I've always found the lyrics to have way more depth and intelligence and Mustaine is my boy! LOL Metallica's early stuff was great, I own Kill 'em All, Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets and liked the thrash sound that Kirk brought to the band and have seen more Metallica shows than 'deth, but at the end of the day I've always liked Megadeth more.
I am so glad somebody finally decided to post a thread asking this question!

For years I have been a Megadeth fan and have always thought they were the better band over the two. Hell Dave Mustaine was the main influence on Metallica's first albums and it always cracks me up when people use the first Metallica album as evidence that they are better than Megadeth.

I've always thought Metallica & Megadeth were like VHS and Beta. Beta was the better format but VHS was far more popular and enjoyed more success. Such is the way of Metallica & Megadeth.

Dave Mustaine is like the Jim Morrison of metal - he's thoughtful and poetic with his song writing whereas Hetfield and the others come up short. Metallica is a great band but they ran out of tricks really quickly and started coming up with really stupid gimmicks (Unforgiven Too - are you kidding me? A sequel in metal? Give me a break!) in order to keep people coming back. And let's not forget that Saint Anger is one of the worst metal albums of all time. Period. End of story.

The brilliance of Mustaine over the years cannot be overstated but on United Abominations, he quite possibly reached his peak. Washington is Next is one of the most unbelievable metal songs, not only in musical terms but lyrically it is just astonishing. Mustaine has done this time and time again and it would take a book to talk about it all.

Obviously when it comes right down to it, it's everyone's own personal tastes and we could debate it all until the world crumbles into dust under our feet. I am simply stating my opinion and if you like Metallica better, that's fine. But if you aren't that familiar with Megadeth, I would encourage you to pick up some of their albums. Their work has gotten better and better with each passing album which I do not think anyone can honestly say (with a straight face anyway) about Metallica, as good as they are and even though they still continue to sell out arenas to this day.

As for me, I'm in Dave's corner! :devil:
This thread has some great replies ...



At the Thursday Pre-Party - wear either a Megadeth T-Shirt or a Metallica T-Shirt ... let the numbers of the black shirts decide!

The SwordLord
This thread has some great replies ...



At the Thursday Pre-Party - wear either a Megadeth T-Shirt or a Metallica T-Shirt ... let the numbers of the black shirts decide!

The SwordLord

What a spectacular idea! I'm in!

I'll definitely wear my PF shirt on Thursday in honor of the headlining act!

Don't be that guy

being that this will be my first post ... Megadeth

don't get me wrong though, i LOVE Metallica's Kill 'Em All, Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets .. that's where it ended for me. Megadeth, always consistent, same formula with some tweaks here and there.. Dave Mustaine = Win