Metallica Remasters


May 27, 2002
Ventura, CA
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I was re-arranging my cds today and saw my Priest, Maiden and Iced Earth cds and wonderd "what if Metallica were to remaster the first four albums like Iced Earth did" (sound wise, but make the bass stand out more in AJFA), would you buy them? If they did this I think it would be sweet to put maybe 3 or 4 live songs from that albums tour as extra songs and maybe put it in a cool little box set with maybe some video footage. If they did that, I would definatly pick it up, would you???
I would yes.
I have a subwoofer for my PC and love good quality drum, vocal and bass/guitar quality thats clear, and you usually get that from remastered albums.
No. I'm not too big on buying re-mastered versions of albums i already own. Even if they have bonus tracks. Becuase I feel when i do that, i'm just spending 14-17 more bucks for two or three new songs, fancier packaging and slightly better sound. If i'm gonna spend money, i'd rather get something totally new.
If they were to add some bonus songs and have good liner notes I'd probably buy them. Of course I'd wait and find them used.
Maybe. I'm very bitter with Metallica lately and don't feel the need to line their pockets any more. The one's I have sound fine and it would take a lot to get me to buy them. Plus I've associated the albums with their current sounds and remastering everything might ruin them for me.
Honestly I'd rather give my money to a new promising band than filling Lars' pockets once more, even for quality reissues.
I would wait to see them in second-hand shops ;)
This has already been done by die-hard old school fans. Somebody recently leaked And Justice for All on the web with the bass guitar put BACK in clearly into the mix. It sounds remarkable, but unfortunately, it's only in MP3 format.
I heard some of those tracks but didn't hear anything great about them. Just sounded like the bass was pumped up a little.
I am no longer interested in Metallica. Don't get me wrong there are a few older CDs I own that I would love to replace with remasters, but I hardly ever listen to Metallica so they aren't top choices of mine. That band left a pretty bad taste in my mouth years ago with some of the shit they pulled.
