metallicock mentions of new album 100% Anthrax mentions 0%/ being lied to..priceless


Feb 21, 2003
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WOW. Metallicock mentions new album every 5 minutes and in 2 full hours anthrax gets mentioned NONE!!!! the ball is back people!!!! we got lied to. the band got lied to? what will be anthrax's reply to this bullshit fest? we were told it was going to be a live concert by anthrax, they and the album were mentioned 0 TIMES IN 2 FUCKING HOURS OF HEADBANGERS BALL. WHAT IS GOING ON PEOPLE??????????? NO ANTHRAX, 100% METALLICOCK!!!! WHAT IS YPUR RESPONSE???:yell::yell::yell::yell:
SweatingBullets said:
I was so pissed I sat through that whole show seeing 2 good videos. I had to go to someone else's house to see it, and there was no fucking Anthrax! That's bullshit!

Wait, there were actually two good videos? I must have missed one of them, only good one I saw was "One" (like they didn't already play that five times yesterday).
ivankoloff said:
WOW. Metallicock mentions new album every 5 minutes and in 2 full hours anthrax gets mentioned NONE!!!! the ball is back people!!!! we got lied to. the band got lied to? what will be anthrax's reply to this bullshit fest? we were told it was going to be a live concert by anthrax, they and the album were mentioned 0 TIMES IN 2 FUCKING HOURS OF HEADBANGERS BALL. WHAT IS GOING ON PEOPLE??????????? NO ANTHRAX, 100% METALLICOCK!!!! WHAT IS YPUR RESPONSE???:yell::yell::yell::yell:

The show is going to be on every week and I thought Scott in alpha mail said that they would be on some time this May but he wasn't sure when.
ivankoloff said:
we were told it was going to be a live concert by anthrax,

No we weren't told that they would be showing "a live concert".
MTV was there filming the show, that's all. That doesn't mean that they did a 12 camera shoot (they used 1 camera only supposedly), or that they would air a full concert, let alone 1 full song.
Just like in the old days of headbangers ball with Ricky Rachtman on loacation with whatever band, look for very short 30 second live clips of a few different songs.
they didnt even mention anthrax, not once in the 2 hours of the show. Oh yeah there buddies with metallica and they go way back, metallica didnt even acknowledge anthrax's new album, AND YES WE WERE LED TO BELIEVE THE FULL CONCERT WAS SHOWING. I'LL PUT UP A POLL AND WE'LL SEE HOW MANY THOUGHT A LIVE 'THRAX SHOW WAS AIRING!!!
ivankoloff said:

Please correct me if i'm wrong, or I missed official information, but when/where did anyone in Anthrax specifically say that the show was being filmed and would be shown in its entirety?

I think a poll may be besides the point.
I think because it was said that MTV would be filming, that people got excited and incorrectly assumed that a full concert would be shown. Yes? No?

I'd like to see the full show on MTV as much as anyone else but, I just don't see any evidence of that happening.
I'd just like to squash all the rumors now before the episode of HBB with Anthrax airs, and see multiple people posting here : "what the hell? they showed a few seconds of a few songs only! What a rip off!"
I taped it while I was at the Stone Pony show. I just now remembered about this even though I've been home for a while now. I guess I'll overlook it still. Bastards. Go see them live.
alright fine forget the damn concert for a minute. why, in 2 hours of headbangers ball did anthrax and the new album get mentioned 0 times!! werent anthrax the first guests on headbangers, did scott and charlie not write the theme music for the original show(SOD)??? I WILL NOT BE WATCHING THE NEW HEADBANGERS BALL. AND FUCK METALLICA FOR NOT MENTIONING THEM, THEY ONLY PLUGGED ST. ANGER EVERY 5 MINUTES!!! FUCK THE BALL
Someone should have came up and punched Lar$' teeth in. He was sitting there the whole time with his cool-guy attitude problem.
ivankoloff said:
alright fine forget the damn concert for a minute. why, in 2 hours of headbangers ball did anthrax and the new album get mentioned 0 times!! werent anthrax the first guests on headbangers, did scott and charlie not write the theme music for the original show(SOD)??? I WILL NOT BE WATCHING THE NEW HEADBANGERS BALL. AND FUCK METALLICA FOR NOT MENTIONING THEM, THEY ONLY PLUGGED ST. ANGER EVERY 5 MINUTES!!! FUCK THE BALL

Ok, this is, to put it nicely, naive.

I didn't see the show, but I know that when a band has a new album, they promote their album. I haven't seen Anthrax going around promoting other bands' albums lately.
yes goddammit. how many times do i have to say it. and yes anthrax talks about bands they like, dimmu borgir for example, SO YES THEY DO PROMOTE BANDS THEY LIKE. NAIVE?? IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THEM TALKING ABOUT BANDS THEY LIKE LATELY MAYBE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!
ivankoloff said:
yes goddammit. how many times do i have to say it. and yes anthrax talks about bands they like, dimmu borgir for example, SO YES THEY DO PROMOTE BANDS THEY LIKE. NAIVE?? IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THEM TALKING ABOUT BANDS THEY LIKE LATELY MAYBE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!

Where, pray tell, did MTV2 say they were broadcasting Anthrax's show?

Yes, Anthrax do mention they like Dimmu Borgir. So what? They don't say "go buy the new album out on whatever day." It's clear DB has influenced Anthrax, and interviewers often ask the members of Anthrax what they have been listening to lately. Even if they did, SO FUCKING WHAT? It's not Metallica's job to promote Anthrax, and it's not Anthrax's job to promote DB. They can talk about whatever the fuck they want to talk about. Would it be nice if they mentioned Anthrax? Sure, I'd love it. But Anthrax is really irrelevent to Metallica's new album. Besides, you guys get on Metallica's ass all the time I don't know why you expect them to do anything for you.