metallicock mentions of new album 100% Anthrax mentions 0%/ being lied to..priceless

I was disapointed in the show. I was thinking they were gonna show some of the concert but I wasn't getting my hopes up knowing it was MTV and also knowing they didn't say anything anywhere about airing it. For all we know the stuff they showed on MTV2 rock was it. In his Alphamail scott does say go out and buy such and such album. But tonight Metallica did say certain bands were good like Superjoint (fucking badass video BTW) and Lars said something nice about the datsuns.
I got realy fucking tired of that lardo who kept popping up to do the metal "news"
isn't that the guy who hated on Anthrax in his 20 questions?
I'm not taking sides for any of this but I have Mtv2 and they show lives sets from start to finish on some specials. I was under the impression too that they were gonna show the majority of Anthrax's set with breaks in the middle to chat about bullshit. Maybe anthrax should lobby to get on HBO's reverb show
I just came back from the Montreal show and it kicked ass - I'm posting here to say, for those of you who can watch canadian channels, Much Music or Musique +, their french canadian counterpart, will have a special show sometime soon featuring Anthrax, Soulfly and Motorhead... I didn't hear the exact date but, any extra exposure is cool right?
Jono said:
I was disapointed in the show. I was thinking they were gonna show some of the concert but I wasn't getting my hopes up knowing it was MTV and also knowing they didn't say anything anywhere about airing it. For all we know the stuff they showed on MTV2 rock was it. In his Alphamail scott does say go out and buy such and such album. But tonight Metallica did say certain bands were good like Superjoint (fucking badass video BTW) and Lars said something nice about the datsuns.
I got realy fucking tired of that lardo who kept popping up to do the metal "news"
isn't that the guy who hated on Anthrax in his 20 questions?

You surely mean the fatass Ian Robinson and yes, you're right. I'm glad not to have MTV.
That fat dude Iann is nothing but a poser. There he was kissing Metallica's sellout ass on that joke of an MTV Icon show. Hey Iann, I'd love to see your lame ass band open for Anthrax and see how long it takes for your "heart attack waiting to happen" ass to get booed off the stage! I guess those fat MTV paychecks and the thought of being the next Kurt Loder are too much to turn down!
i was kidding about lone justice, dont tell me you dont find it disappointing that anthrax wasnt mentioned. and no i dont expect metallica to talk about anthrax the whole time. but since they supposedly go way back, they could have given anthrax 1 mention in 2 hours thats all i'm saying. wouldnt you have done that for your friends?
Oh my GOD!!! Metallica actually had the nerve to talk about their own fucking album!!! Those bastards!!! What is this world coming to when a band has the nerve to mention the fact that they have a new album coming out?
hey slaytanic disciple, yeah they had the nerve to talk about their new album you smart ass piece of shit!! in two hours of programming anthrax got mentioned 0 times!! 1 mention dude, thats all i'm saying!!! they didnt even get that, SO TAKE YOUR METALLICOCK LOVING ASS AND GET FUCKED.
they talked about their album every 5 fucking minutes dude! yes they promoted their own album, evey minute on the minute, thats the problem you naive cocksucker, while anthrax was ignored for 100% of the time
lets face it metallica are gonna need all the promo work they can get with this new album, not like its a thrax album where they can rely on fuckin strong material, word of mouth and diehard fans to promote it, kids are fickle and playing to the kids with a poopy album is gonna give tallica a hard time.....

no solo's on the entire album!?!?!?! what next, james to lay down "phat lyrics ".....AHH I FEEL SORRY FOR TALLICA THEY ARE BONED AND THEY KNOW IT...... hmmmm i shouted.....must be emotional.
Hey Ivan Koloff you fucking cocksucker...why whine like the little bitch that you are because Anthrax isn't on MTV? After all, wouldn't that mean that they "sold out" too? You should be happy that they aren't even mentioned on MTV!! Is it really Metallica's job to promote an Anthrax album? If they want to be promoted so bad, why THEY host the fucking show!!!!!!! There's a fucking novel idea!!!! You worthless little cunt, try not taking the fact that a band doesn't get mentioned like a personal affront you yourself. I'm sure down there in Atlanta you have good things to get into like fucking your sister or your cousin or something. ANd for someone who hates Metallica so much (because of course your WAY too metal to listen to them anymore) you really listened closely to what they had to say!! Pull the cock out of your ass and get a fucking life bitch!
C´mon guys... you´re talking about EmptyVEE. Here in Europe we have been cursed with the Superrock" show for years and that´s why I stoped watching the shit, when Vanessa got the boot I stopped watching, simple as that. MTV don´t give a fuck about "underground" acts or "weird music played by weird people for weird people"... but on the other hand... they showed Britney playing with a fucking snake... hmmmmmm... better stop thinking.
anthrax doesnt need any help.they've done fine 4 the last 20years without the help of other bands.yes metallica could've mentioned the new cd since it was anthrax that bailed them out back in the day when they had no place 2 stay & no food & if u guys want 2 be mad at someone be mad at anthrax 4 making metallica what they are today.(sarcasim)
yeah, here in atlanta thats about all there is to do all right, yeah sure........ whatever you say. why dont you come down here to atlanta and we will see who is whining like a little bitch!!! if your parents will even let you out after midnight you little....... let me guess your a junior in high school right? dont try to copy my email by swearing at me left and right you little poser, now go back to listening to korn and marylin manson and doing whatever else you think will make you cool!!! and dont act all high and mighty because you still listen to metallica, if the album really is heavy i might even download it, shocking
but probably not since the last real album they made was 1990! go back to your pokemon or mighty morphine power rangers its past your bedtime little girl.