metallicock mentions of new album 100% Anthrax mentions 0%/ being lied to..priceless

ivankoloff said:
yeah, here in atlanta thats about all there is to do all right, yeah sure........ whatever you say. why dont you come down here to atlanta and we will see who is whining like a little bitch!!! if your parents will even let you out after midnight you little....... let me guess your a junior in high school right? dont try to copy my email by swearing at me left and right you little poser, now go back to listening to korn and marylin manson and doing whatever else you think will make you cool!!! and dont act all high and mighty because you still listen to metallica, if the album really is heavy i might even download it, shocking
but probably not since the last real album they made was 1990! go back to your pokemon or mighty morphine power rangers its past your bedtime little girl.

I couldn't have said it any better man. I hate these loser high school kids who buy the music MTV tells them to buy. Be cool and listen to Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit cuz their hip and cool. Fuck that!
i never said anything to sazz, i was replying to slaytanic disciples reply, i dont know what your problem is but you better read this shit more carefully before you start talking that shit!!! i was replying to slaytanic not sazz, so i will accept an apology when you are ready to give me one. pay closer attention before running your mouth
Fuck you Koloff. First of all I guarantee that I've been listening to Anthrax, Metallica, Slayer, whoever longer than you have you little prick. It's no-brain fuckhead people like you that give metal a bad name. Maybe if Anthrax stopped changing labels evey year they might get promoted a little better.

Hold on...gotta pull my cock out of your mother's ass...
That's, no don't bite it, SUCK IT you stupid bitch!! Yeah that's right...lick my balls a little bit.

As I was saying...Koloff you little fuck you really are a stupid bitch. Damn your mother sucks a mean dick!!! And now you're the final arbiter of all things metal? Who the fuck are you to decide who's fake and who's not? You're a pretentious little fuck and in fact you come across as the little teeny bopper in the whole conversation. After all who was the one who took it into the gutter because he couldn't bear to take a little sarcasm over his fucking retarded post? Like I said you're the typical piece of shit, jobless, greasy fuck that gives REAL metal fans a bad name. Yeah that's right cunt I just decided I'm real. I know, I know that's supposed to be your job but you're so busy sucking cocks to earn money for the new Anthrax CD I fugured I'd help you out a bit. Well I gotta go see Anthrax tonight, like I said I'm a REAL metal fan unlike some whiney little suckhole bitching about everything instead of just shutting his ignorant fucking mouth.

DAMN!!! Your mother tried to lick my asshole!!
Oh and I'm soooooooooooo terrified of you sitting in your basement (I mean don't scumbags like you ALWAYS live in some basement somewhere?) making your typical cheesy toughguy threats like "C'mon down to Atlanta and we'll see who whines like a bitch!" and "Why don't you make me shut up?" Man you're just too fucking hard! I am so scared now to go to Atlanta. You're so fucking hard, so tough, just way too metal for your own fucking good you worthless piece of shit!
wow, you are so articulate. swearing every other word, how original. i'll bet everyone in your junior high chess club is terrified of you! mother fuck bitch ass fuckhead bastard cuntbag, am i keeping up with you? man you sure know how to make a point!!! yeah right, talk your shit to me after you graduate high school you faggot fuck. you were the one trying to act all tuff and badass, i'll beat you like i own you punk! your going to see anthrax tonight huh, let me know what its like from the back of the venue, farthest away from the pit you pussy scumbag jerkoff!!
Ohhhhhhhh GOD!!! Im soooooooooo hurt a redneck cunt called me a big girlie!! LMAO And I'm the so called junior high schooler? Look cunt, Koloff my bastard son (yes just ask your mother) whatever you prefer, I know all you shitkickers in Georgia like to do is fuck your sisters and watch wrestling but that las post was fucking WEAK!!! It sounded like you were regurgitating some wrestlers catch phrase. "ILL BEAT YOU LIKE I OWN YOU!!" Who'd you steal that from Hulk Hogan or The Rock? Get some new material dickhead. And as far as owning me, you rednecks LOST the Civil War, therefore you are no longer able to own ANYBODY! I know you southern fucks hate to admit it but it's true so take that hideous rebel flag down and join the 21st century. Still shaking in fear over you beating that's some tough talk there. The gang at the bath house you hang out at must love to hear you talk that bullshit while your plowing their asses for them. I'M so hard I'm Ivan Koloff, no ones is as metal as I am. FUCK YOU, you douche the concert was fine from in the pit, you better get to sucking those cocks and earn money for tha ticket so y'all can go to the show.
6:00 AM-- Roll off sister, polish off last few drops of Thunderbird, sleep until noon....because of course Ivana has no job.

12 Noon---Nudge sis fo a little nookie before heading down to the welfare office to pick up the check. Admire redneck NASCAR posters and the always present Robert E. Lee picture hangign in the basement.

1:00 PM-- Practice looking tough and thinking of the idle threats to be made online safe behind a computer screen (no doubt a broken down old Apple). Think of such hilarious insults as "Metallicock", "Big Girlie", and "185 pounds". (This last one of course really seems like an insult because Ivan wieghs about 350 and has tits bigger than Carmen Electra)
Get ready to get online to prove just how metal he is.

2:30 PM----Pound down some Thunderbird while idly thinking of someday getting a job. He daydreams of getting out of his parent's basement and making the move on up the the big trailer park down the road. Still stumped as to what to write on the Anthrax message board.

4:00 PM---A burst of inspiration...Ivan drops his fried chicken and waddles to the computer, sits down and types:
"Slaytanic Disciple you are a bitch..I challenge you to a match at Wrestlemania bitch!! I own you bitch!!! I am so metal bitch!! You are a bitch, bitch!! Come to Atlanta bitch!!! I'll kick your ass bitch!!!"
Ivan sits back and admires his wit and biting commentary. Now all this thinking is not really Ivan's forte so he has to rest a bit and his mind wanders to how he's gonna scrape up the huge sum of $30 for a new Anthrax t-shirt. How will he do it? Give up his Lucky Stripes? Hell no! Sell some of his NASCAR memorobilia? Hell no!

6:00 PM---Ivan pulls on his stepping out clothes (his "cleanest" jeans, a tattered Pantera shirt, and his bitchin' leather jacket that he picked up at a yard sale) and wanders to the blood bank to donate some blood only to find out that his blood type is Cholesterol. Now perplexed Ivan wanders aimlessly around the oh so wonderful redneck mecca of Atlanta, where he actually doesn't stick out much. The fact that he smells like motor oil, is grossly overweight and has four teeth actually make him Atlanta's most eligable bachelor.

7:00 PM--Ivan returns to his spot behind the local corner store to suck a few cocks. All his regulars show up and in no time he's got enough cash to buy that shirt.

9:00 PM--Back online....of course...and keeping an eye on the sheep fuckers anonymous chatroom..Ivan is upset to see that Anthrax shirts don't come in XXL...maybe he'll stretch it over his gut and tits and just wear it anyway, not like anybody in his shithole town would notice anyhow.

11:00 PM-- Sis come home from her high paying job at Piggly Wiggly and Ivan is all set to get some again. All it takes to get his sister (and mother for that matter) is a couple bottles of cheap wine and a pack of Marlboros. Ivan exits the kiddy porn site he has been perusing and winks at his sister..who is just as grotesque as he is. It's all in a days work for this fat disgusting jobless piece of shit.
What's the point of this thread anyway? You two kids get to school where you belong and cut the crap. The "Day In The Life Of" was kinda funny like DreQuick said, but why waste the time and effort when you could be doing something constructive?
it probably took him 2 hours to come up with that unfunny shit. " maybe if i make fun of him being from the south every other time it will be funny" actually i am a yankee living in the south, so thanks for playing. 75% of your material is worthless on that fact alone. i am sure he has been writing new material for 3 hopurs now, and we'll get another brilliant post from this guy