MetalSucks and Nevermore “Create Your Own Conspiracy” Contest


Btw, Cara, I had the same thoughts about the cleft palate surgery. I'm surprised that guy can sing because of it!! Very cool :) there a "real" version with Warrel's lyrics? Or is it going on the CD as instrumental? I would assume there is a "real" version, but maybe I missed something because I don't recall that being clarified.
cleft lip kid definitely takes the cake. surprisingly good.

talk about being dealt a shit hand of cards eh? muffed nostrils, mangled lip, lazy eye and one pupil is def larger than the other...and chubby, pudgy fingers & he's a penguins fan. oh well.
that made me go :(

Cheer up.

Fuck the retarted penguin. HIR still did the best version, why do we need half assed Warrel clone attempts to win this?
I actually like the vocal part in the first one hahah. Reminds me of Jack Frost. The non I-m-wiping-my-ass-with-this- version as well.