MetalSucks and Nevermore “Create Your Own Conspiracy” Contest


i can appreciate the fact that several of the competitors are in bands. I'm in a band, myself...but the band I play in plays in peoples' backyards and basements. your band has played on another continent. there's a bit of a difference ;)

obviously i'm not taking anything away from your entry, it was very well-done and i enjoyed the hell out of it, but it just seems to me like the contest was aimed at people who'd never had the chance to perform in front of an audience on the scale of a Nevermore show. imagine this: there's a tennis tournament hosted by some kind of tennis magazine, and it's open to anyone. the winner of the tournament gets to hang out with Rafael Nadal for a day. the contestants are predominantly hobbyist tennis players who don't have the means to become successful athletes but still enthuse about the sport...and then all of a sudden Roger Federer signs up and blows everyone else out of the water. it's technically not against the rules, yeah, but it's kind of a dick move considering Federer plays tennis in a totally different echelon than the other competitors.

i don't wish anything negative on you or your entry, i just wanted to clarify why people are feeling cheated. i do enjoy your band's stuff, too.

Pretty much this. It's about fans who want to perform on a stage in front of a bunch of people with their idols for once in their lives. Saying, "He has played some European shows but for very few people" is just another slap in the face to these kids. This isn't American Idol; it's not an opportunity to promote yourself and get your name out there, which I'm sure isn't what Matt's doing, but the dude has traveled the world playing in his band. Somehow trying to put him on the same level as the kids doesn't seem like a fair match. Theocracy isn't a big band, but in power and prog metal they're a well known band that tours. On the other hand, these kids lock themselves in their rooms and lip sync to all their favorite songs, with some air guitar thrown in for good measure. If they're lucky, MAYBE they'll get the opportunity to play a local show in front of all their friends, but that's about it.

I don't care how blue collar Matt may be or how cool I'm sure he is...he should either drop out of the contest or step down if he wins and give the prize to the second place winner. That would be truly cool of him. If not, his only reason for entering this contest would be to promote himself and his band and this isn't what the contest was aiming for.

And Matt, no one has posted anything remotely vitriolic towards you...a little sarcasm maybe but there's no animosity behind any of it. To step down from the contest would show impeccable grace on your part, a trait quite honestly lacking in the power/prog genre. There was a little misunderstanding about your relationship with NM but that's been cleared up, thankfully. My friends in Raintime probably have a following similar to that of your band, probably a bit less, but they aren't going around playing in battle of the bands in any local shows anymore because they have bigger fish to fry. They played at Hellfest and PowerProg as well, so naturally they don't enter into every contest around here because they are gracious enough to let other people have a chance and try to have the spotlight. Same goes for the guys in Elvenking. My guitar teacher is their lead guitarist, Raffaello, and he doesn't enter into these local guitar contests because he knows he'd completely own everyone, which he would. Instead, he goes to the show to give his support to his friends and watch them play. I think if you were to do the same it would speak volumes about your good character.

Personally, I think Dan should enter the contest.
I think this needs reposting.

Ok I'm just stoked.
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I have to say that after listening to the instrumental version a few hundred times and then all the contest versions, it is almost hard for me to digest the "real" version because I've made up my own melodies and heard so many others !!!!
The only thing dumber than the Bible is the people that believe that shit. If you want to be a subservient slave to an almighty dictator, get a fucking cat.
plus a cat actually loves you back, rather than ignoring your prayers and leaving you to toil in squalid misery.
I have to say that after listening to the instrumental version a few hundred times and then all the contest versions, it is almost hard for me to digest the "real" version because I've made up my own melodies and heard so many others !!!!

This. :erk:
Not worried though.