Mia is a trooper


Mar 19, 2004
The dots played here in Nashville friday night and I didn't really think about this till the next day. Everybody is PACKED onstage with Mia standing front and center with her back to the crowd the whole show. She's about one foot away from Sam's drums and there are 3 big mean guitar stacks (taller than her) basically aimed right at her, and she's up there getting down on that sweet sounding electric violin. Damn!!!!!!!!!!! Coolest chick ever!!!!!!!

My Kayoexperience.....
So I get to the show during the first band who quickly gave me a headache and after realizing that it'll be awhile before Kayo Dot hit the stage I quickly rush back to my pad (3 miles away) to inhale more illegal substances just to make sure that I'm in proper form when I finally get to see one of my favorite bands on earth. I get back and see some Kayo merchandise and of course no more XL's of the shirt that I want (story of my life), I settle on a large since it looked like it might fit. Forbes was selling the shit and I got to talk to him for about 10 minutes - superfriendly guy and was more than willing to answer my questions. About that time the 2nd act finished and Forbes said he had to get ready to 'lay down some tunes' (my words, not his). It took awhile for everyone to get setup since the stage was very small and Sam had to move his shit around a couple of times till everything fit right. They opened with The Antique and I was pleasantly surprised that just about everyone shut their mouth during the intro. Once the band kicked in with everything me and about 4 or 5 other people started in with the brain jiggling and neck snapping. I have to admit for a crappy little club with a small P.A. there was ALOT of sound coming from the stage. They even had the samples and vocal effects going on - I was impressed to say the least. Next was Marathon which was fucking beautiful. About this time (as Ashmare mentioned on his thread) there were a couple of goofballs who evidently weren't at the show to listen to great music, but were there to flap their gums and talk about the latest Survivor results or some bullshit - I started wishing that laserbeams could shoot out of my eyes and I could fry their vocal chords, I'm pretty sure I saw Greg give them the evil eye a couple of times. Last was The Manifold Curiosity which totally kicked ass. Man, when they hit the part towards the end when it builds up faster and faster and gets more and more intense I just about shit my pants (Sam was awesome to watch, he was really getting into it).

After they finished I hung out for a little bit and got to meet Greg and talked with him for a while. I was surprised when he told me that Nashville was one of the better crowd responses they had thus far. As I was walking outside to leave I met Sam and got to talk with him for several minutes and then Toby came outside and I met him briefly. I made it a point to thank everyone I got to meet for coming to Nashville since this town seems to get skipped over by alot of cool bands.

I would love to see Kayo Dot get to the point where they can play better venues like recital halls at colleges or even symphony halls ( I know, I'm a dreamer).

Kayo Dot is my anti-depressant.
Love Mike...
Dammit xfer, that's twice you've got me on spelling on this forum. I was a spelling badass when I was a kid (I swear), must be all of those illegal substances I've been inhaling for the better part of 19 years.

My thread title should've been My KayoNashDotVille Experience & Why Mia Rules.
Her mini earphone for her violin caused the taser to malfunction which increased the current 10 fold and reveresed it back at the badge carrying state law enforcement official and burned his mustache right off of his face.
hahaha, i don't get it! do i look like some sort of... i don't know, goody two shoes or something? in asheville, right before we played, the sound guy comes up to me and whispers, "now, i know how MY daughter got involved with boys that look like this (his daughter has been a roadie with him since she was born), but YOU.... your father must be having a BLAST with this" and then points to all my hairy bandmates. (i reassured him that everything was okay though, that i also peed in gatorade bottles in the van, etc.) and now, now i guess i'm a TROOPER/TROUPER, hahaha!(?!)

ps - tired.