Michael Romeo vs Marty Friedman

metalmind342 said:
who do u think has more talent? and in wut aspect do they have more talent in?

i dont think you can compare them, every guitarisy is good and weak in some areas. its not right to judge who is better or not
I actually like these threads in a sick sort of way. They sometimes get overdone, but we haven't seen one for a while so I am game. When people stay level-headed and present well thought out reasons why they prefer one to the other, they can be enlightening.

I give Romeo this one pretty easily. Technically he is superior, and I prefer his songwriting. Friedman has some great stuff that is for sure, but it is mostly older stuff. The last time I heard him do any real metal playing was with Tourniquet and he didn't quite have the fire or "wow" factor he did in the early days when he played with Becker. Even then, I don't think he could have hung with Romeo in a chops war though. Diehard Friedman fans, how is Music For Speeding? I have never heard that one.
wow these two guys are incredible guitar players, i love the romeo´s playing, but marty friedman it´s awesome, if i have to choose one of them i vote for friedman
This thread sucked when it was posted in the musician section. This thread still sucks now that it found its way to this section.
sweepking said:
Diehard Friedman fans, how is Music For Speeding? I have never heard that one.
It's pretty good. It's probably the heaviest he's done since Dragon's Kiss. But, there are a lot of his new influences on it. Techno loops and stuff in the background, some of it sounds like Rob Zombie. It is what it says it is, music for speeding! :) That doesn't necessarily make it a shred fest though.
lets try to salvage something form this thread......

anybody gonna buy the new Friedman DVD thats supposed to be coming out? I never saw his old one (melodic control i think its called) but i hear it was great. Ill definately get this one.
music for speeding has a few good songs on it...not much interesting guitar playing. sorry

I thought that too at first, but the more I listened to it, the more I started digging it.

BTW, I buy my CDs for musical value, not interesting guitar playing, so YMMV.
did you ever stop to think that if guitar playing didn't have any musical value, then it wouldn't be interesting either?

what? i can only come up with one thing... and i'm sure that's not what you meant