Michael Romeo


Savatage Fanatic
Sep 13, 2004
Houston, Texas, USA, Earth
Just saw Symph X for the third time in Houston last weekend and what an amazing show!! This time, there were two main differences from the other 2 times I saw them:

1. I was sober.
2. I was 3 feet from Michael.

I have listened to their recordings repeatedly, but was amazed at his speed and lack of mistakes!! His tapping is beyond quick!! And that tone - reminds me a little of Tom Scholtz in Boston. I have seen a lot of great guitar players and Michael is right up there!!

Chris :headbang:
Just saw Symph X for the third time in Houston last weekend and what an amazing show!! This time, there were two main differences from the other 2 times I saw them:

1. I was sober.
2. I was 3 feet from Michael.

I have listened to their recordings repeatedly, but was amazed at his speed and lack of mistakes!! His tapping is beyond quick!! And that tone - reminds me a little of Tom Scholtz in Boston. I have seen a lot of great guitar players and Michael is right up there!!

Chris :headbang:

saw them in Florida a few days ago. I just left my jaw on the floor since i would have had to pick it up over and over again..... He's just a much superior guitarist to probably 99% or all guitarists on the planet.

I couldn't see his back up head but it looked like some sorta Engl Savage maybe.... the main rig was his powerball through a bunch of rack shit into a full stack...was really gnasty.

le sigh****hopefully one day i can have my own double Engl head rack case....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I saw Symphony X here in Orlando on Tuesday and it was a great show.
Michael is a stellar guitarist, and you're right - his tone is awesome. I kept waiting for him to shred my face off, but he kind of keeps it in check.
Clearly the star of the show is Russell Allen, but I think Michael should go for the throat more often.
Btw, the new songs they played from the forthcoming album were KILLER! Can't wait to get it.
While I love Symphony X, and Romeo is a beast...they really need to kick the shit out of their sound guys. When I saw them in Houston this past weekend it was so loud for the encore that everything was distorted. Vocal harmonies were destroyed, instruments were completely imbalanced. It was terrible.

Might be worth another whole thread on how sound guys ruin shows this way all too often. I've been thinking about it since Saturday and I finally had to vent.
Just saw Symph X for the third time in Houston last weekend and what an amazing show!!

Agreed, I was there as well and spamming the joint with ProgPower business cards. :)

I just wish the sound was better. From 20 feet back, the sound was muddy and bass heavy. Drowning out Romeo's guitars and Russell's voice. The sound man should be fired. I've seen Symphony X multiple times over the past ten years and at a variety of venues, they consistantly have horrible sound.

The good news is the sound did improve for Dehumanized and The Odyssey. But its hard for me to listen to the latter without thinking of the riff they "borrowed" from Rainbow's Street of Dreams. And how about giving that song a rest and digging a little deeper into the catelog. The setlist is virtually identical to the past two tours.
The only thing I'm concerned at the moment is if I'll be able to actually watch the band.. I've never been to Volume 11 before and don't know if there are places other then a general admission/pit. Its not easy being short at a metal show when everybodys a head or two taller than you. Its why I'm always at the seats at progpower lol
The only thing I'm concerned at the moment is if I'll be able to actually watch the band.. I've never been to Volume 11 before and don't know if there are places other then a general admission/pit. Its not easy being short at a metal show when everybodys a head or two taller than you. Its why I'm always at the seats at progpower lol

They have a tiered section not horribly far from the stage, it's a good venue for short people :heh:
Are you thinking of the Lincoln Theatre? Vol. 11 is a small room with a bar, a small hallway, then a small room with the stage. There's no tiered section there (unless you count up behind the stage.)

Ding ding, correct. Lol. I was in the hallway for the opening acts and then towards the stage during powerglove and then eventually made my way up to the "first row" so close to michael romeo I could of touched his whammy easily a # of times. Throughout the entire show I had a least one hand in the air and if that one got tired i switched it and, probably because of that, got a fist bump from romeo midway and then he shook my hand later in the show. Also managed to get a romeo pick and grabbed his stage setlist after asking one of the techs if it was alright.

I will agree with the comments that their sound is shit though. Even powerglove's was 100x better than theirs, granted, the younger(?) guitarist could of had his guitar up a bit more just so that they matched in volume.

On powerglove though, those guys were a butt load of fun. There was also a ProgPower shout out from one of the guys in the front row (shorter than me! huzzah!) and one of them was like "Yeah we're stoked to be playing ProgPower" or something to that effect. Set list from what I can remember: X-men, a mega man tune, all of Final Fantasy 4 and something from FF8, pokemon, mortal kombat, do the mario (which I thought was their worst i think). Super cool guys
Ding ding, correct. Lol. I was in the hallway for the opening acts and then towards the stage during powerglove and then eventually made my way up to the "first row" so close to michael romeo I could of touched his whammy easily a # of times. Throughout the entire show I had a least one hand in the air and if that one got tired i switched it and, probably because of that, got a fist bump from romeo midway and then he shook my hand later in the show. Also managed to get a romeo pick and grabbed his stage setlist after asking one of the techs if it was alright.

I will agree with the comments that their sound is shit though. Even powerglove's was 100x better than theirs, granted, the younger(?) guitarist could of had his guitar up a bit more just so that they matched in volume.

On powerglove though, those guys were a butt load of fun. There was also a ProgPower shout out from one of the guys in the front row (shorter than me! huzzah!) and one of them was like "Yeah we're stoked to be playing ProgPower" or something to that effect. Set list from what I can remember: X-men, a mega man tune, all of Final Fantasy 4 and something from FF8, pokemon, mortal kombat, do the mario (which I thought was their worst i think). Super cool guys

you know... i was also VERY VERY impressed with Powerglove... Gimmick band or not, these guys put on one of THEE most entertaining sets i have ever seen and I went in completely blind... ALL the guitar harmonies were spot on, the sound was phenomenal, and their drummer plays with some crazy ass like flags attached to his back... and is like just some crazy drummer all for show...WIN

A very very very tight rehearsed band.

The bassist did a wonder with the crowd in between songs getting the crowd into it despite no actual vocals.
The bassist did a wonder with the crowd in between songs getting the crowd into it despite no actual vocals.

You should of seen the circle pits or w/e they're called we had going in that venue. Stage diving included. Pretty impressive for being one of the tiniest venues I've been to (much smaller than Lincoln Theater) especially if we're not counting the bar area.

Reminds me they also did tetris.
you know... i was also VERY VERY impressed with Powerglove... Gimmick band or not, these guys put on one of THEE most entertaining sets i have ever seen and I went in completely blind... ALL the guitar harmonies were spot on, the sound was phenomenal, and their drummer plays with some crazy ass like flags attached to his back... and is like just some crazy drummer all for show...WIN

A very very very tight rehearsed band.

The bassist did a wonder with the crowd in between songs getting the crowd into it despite no actual vocals.

I wasn't impressed with this band at all - except I was on the side and could see the drummer's feet clearly. HOLY SHIT!!!! They were a blur most of the time!!!

Chris :headbang: