Midnight's set

I can try, but I'll fail to get across the sheer . . . pity/sadness/humor/morbid curiousity one felt watching this 'set'.

Midnight sits at a keyboard and mic. He looks very stoned. The band around him, on acoustic instruments, plays tunes. Midnight . . . half speaks, half warbles, half makes weird Hindu music (yes, I know that's too many halves, but that's what we got last night. There were no 'songs'. Imagine the worst combination of cliched music from bad karate films, bad Bollywood, and bad spaghettti westerns, and add in a strong dash of William Shatner's spoken word album. He even threw in weird hand movements. There was no melody. There was nothing I recognized. I couldn't understand all the words, but there was some long poetry type thing about an angel and a monkey and god.

The crowd slowly shifted from the stage to the back bar. There were probably 300 people watching from the front early on. I doubt there were 50 at the end. The other musicians looked embarrassed. Midnight looked. . . . stoned.

Very odd.

Steve in Philly
That actually sounds cool, but sounds like it wasn't executed well. So were any Crimson Glory songs played?
That actually sounds cool, but sounds like it wasn't executed well. So were any Crimson Glory songs played?

I'm not that familiar with CG's catalog, but someone told me that he did not do any CG songs.....which only added to the misery.

I felt sorriest for the musicians who accompanied him; they seemed like they were half enjoying playing (and they were good at what they were doing) and half watching Midnight closely and waiting for him to....ummm...wander off the page.
I thought surely it was an intentional joke - until later, during CIIC, he wandered through the crowd, led by the hand by his partner. He appeared to be completely oblivious to anything. The performance was horrible (though summed up nicely by DarkOne). My wife told me it was payback for all of the awful movies she makes me sit through. Can only get better from here!
I was at the show last night as well, and I must say that I was sorely disappointed in Midnight's set. This is coming from a guy who actually loves "Strange And Beautiful!" I think Midnight is just in a very different place these days.

To clear up some confusion, he did play at least one Crimson Glory song. I watched him perform "Lost Reflection." However, I'm not sure if he played any other songs from his past band.

Not all was lost, though. Circle II Circle played a terrific set, as always. That set alone was worth coming down a day early. That, and making everybody scratch their heads at karaoke!

Stay metal. Never rust.
To clear up some confusion, he did play at least one Crimson Glory song. I watched him perform "Lost Reflection." However, I'm not sure if he played any other songs from his past band.
Good to see that someone knows their CG. :)
I was surprised to see that no one mentioned that song before.
While it wasn't performed as on the album (or the maxi) it was definitely recognizable.
I have to admit that I have asked my husband to watch some bizarre movies with me, but this bizarre performance makes up for all of those movies together. It's one of those things that you had to experience, that cannot be explained, described, or fathomed.:Spin:
Good to see that someone knows their CG. :)
I was surprised to see that no one mentioned that song before.
While it wasn't performed as on the album (or the maxi) it was definitely recognizable.

him yodeling incoherently over it......................well.......................
No one has mentioned his hand motions yet. They were sort of like groping the air or mime done poorly. One of the "songs" was about pain and he tried to act it out. On the first "song" that he did, he had his hands up and moved his fingers, sort of like a blind person looking for a light switch on a wall might. Everything about him was just unbelievable. Thank goodness Circle to Circle lived up to expectations and put on a good show. They were still going after almost 2 hours. Turned out to be a good evening despite Midnight's performance (or lack thereof).
I love bad movies, but I've never really been able to have the same freedom seeing hilarious bands when I want to. Maybe Glenn could bring Complete in for next year? I believe he posted this in the first place.
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One of the "songs" was about pain and he tried to act it out.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was a "version" of the song Pain off of Sakada. It was something I vaguely recognized along with Lost Reflection.

All I can still think is: Wow, that was either genius or insanity we witnessed last night...but I sure as hell can't figure out which!:lol::erk:

I wasn't there, but it seems as if his stuff was more suitable for some Chicago artsy venue with people sipping pricy coffee than at a metal show. I remember he wandered onto the stage during Kamelot's set on the wrong song(?) when he was guest appearing, and got the impression that he was a little bit of a foggy person. I missed out on his 6am balcony acoustic set which seemed to have been well-received, so he may have thought that people would be accepting of his intimate and maybe deeply personal performance.