Mikael is a dad now?

LordHypnos said:
Didnt i already say Mikael was going to be a Dad like 2 months ago??? yes, i did. mikael told me in a series of e-mails we exchanged. So you can beleive it as fact.

Wow, how can one predict the forthcoming of a baby just two months before it arrives! Incredible!

Grats Mikael and the ms.!
Sorry, allow me to be a Selfish fuck when I say this but...I hope this doesn't take away from "Opeth Time" but, of course It would have to:wave:
Alternative 3 said:
Who the fuck is Dan Swano? (prepares to get flamed)
Jack Frober's uncle.

EDIT: for fucks sake, I totaly forgot the topic.

Congrats to Mike and Anna!

*holds up beer glass in the general direction of Sweden*
*raises beer bottle*
Congrats! I eagerly await the next record detailing the horrors of diaper changing and midnight feeding...nothing brings out the death metal roar like a man with screaming kids

*raises empty beer bottle*
...dont worry, ive got plenty more "celebratory drinking" to go before the nights over