Mikael: Is there any chance of...


Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall)
...a guest appearance of Jonas Renkse on an Opeth album (maybe the next?)? Or perhaps a guest appearance by you on the next Katatonia album? I don't know if you guys ever discuss anything like this, but I think it'd be extremely badass.

*hoping for a reply*

Stop being such arseholes guys. No wonder this forum is such a shithole.

I actually think it's a pretty good idea.
Yeah, but the more people pester Mikael with threads in the same syntax as my one, the less he's going to reply on here.

So could you please only ask for his direct input for the important questions?
That's the price you pay for being in a well liked band. People have the right to ask questions, and the band members have the right to chose whether or not to answer them. I don't remember reading any rules on asking questions relevant to the band in the rules. Most of you people seem to think you know what sorts of questions the band does and doesn't like. Give it a rest and let Mantraschism ask whatever questions he or she wants to without being slammed for it. Although that seems to be the thing to do now on this forum. I'll probably get an earfull just for posting this.
No, this isnt the fucking media, we dont 'have the right to know' every little thing that Mike is up to and what the new album is going to sound like. What ever happened to elusiveness and mystery? It certainly makes being a fan a lot more interesting.
But it's also interesting to know what they are doing. Atleast I'd love to know what mike is upto. But definitely everything related to music. I have no interest in his personal life if that doesn't relate their music. but as personal life effects one's music, it comes with the flow. My opinion anyways.
Moonlapse said:
I agree, he doesn't, but he DOES however view the forums quite freqently. Band members have a tendency to get overwhelmed if too many fans are asking for their attention.
:lol: Sorry, but that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. What, Mike is gonna freak out and run away from the forums because people keep talking to him? Its not like he's a rabbit or anything....