Maynard has done it so why not Mikael Åkerfeldt?


Jul 4, 2003
I am a big fan of Mikael's voice on Opeth's mellower stuff like the Damnation album and songs like Still Day Beneath the Sun. So why doesn't he form a band that that focuses on the type of stuff he did on Damnation freeing up Opeth to just concentrate of the heavy stuff like the album he hinted at on the lamnetations DVD?

Maybe he could do albums only and not tour so he doesn't take too much time away from working with Opeth. He could even have Opeth's other musicians guest on the album as well as people like Steven Wilson or (gasp) Robert Fripp.

Maybe I'm being selfish ,but since everyone in Opeth agrees that Damnation was a one time thing for Opeth, I think Mikael should create an output for his mellower and proggier leanings.
Damantion was more of an experiment, i dont think that Mikael does want to focus only on the mellower side of Opeth.
Ok, I'm clearly missing something here. I think you guys are saying he already has a band that does this called Dynamics.

I'm not the brightest guy in the world, I'll give you that.
Prowler121 said:
I'm not saying Opeth should give up on doing mellower passages in their music

But you did indeed just say that.

Prowler121 said:
So why doesn't he form a band that that focuses on the type of stuff he did on Damnation freeing up Opeth to just concentrate of the heavy stuff like the album he hinted at on the lamnetations DVD?

Mikael has hinted that their next album will be their heaviest ever, but I think mellower passages build up tension well to make heavier sections seem even heavier, which is where DYNAMICS comes in like you said. And I have no dought Opeth will use mellower sections and mood pieces in their next effort.
What I'm talking about is an album that just lets Mikael explore his mellower side more completely than a regular Opeth album would.
I would be fine with him branching out like it if it didn't take anything from Opeth. It seemed to me though that Deliverance was sadly lacking and I believe it is because Mike had to stretch his creativity between two albums.

If he had this other band would he be using good ideas that could have been used in Opeth? Probably. Though I'm thinking that if he enjoyed Damnation enough, he'll do more of it with Opeth or without.
yeah, and comparing him to Maynard may have been a bad example. Maynard writes only lyrics while Mikael is Opeth's main writer for both music and lyrics.
Damnation may have taken away from Deliverence because they were done almost at the same time. With the rite pacing, I think him doing a side/other project would work.
I just think that Mikael tends more to Opeth's dynamic sound than to the one-sided mellowness of the Damnation album.
I'd rather he use all his best ideas for Opeth. His old project Sorskogen with Swano turned out an awesome track.. 'Mordet i Grottan' which single-handedly slaughters all of Damnation... but I think if Mikael were to focus too much on that it would definately detract time he could be using on Opeth. Not to mention the constant touring demand now that the band have become worldwide.
If you want more Damnation-esque material, listen to what influenced the album. Camel, Yes, Porcupine Tree... not my scene though. I think Mike should stick with the heavy/mellow mix, not use all the mellow and all the heavy for different outputs. That would defeat the purpose, I rekon.
Not Yes. I think they have stayed away from that area of prog. which includes stuff like Marillion, and am quite thankful for that.
Side projects usually don't "steal ideas" from the primary band, it's not like musicians have a finite amount of creativity that would be 'used up'... external bands can be extremely valuable in letting musicians express certain sides of their talent without 'compromising' the fans that are already into the primary band. That could then lead the many different situations... it could make the primary band far more rounded, it could create a whole new awesome band out of the side project, or it could all blow up in the musician's face and they realise how important the primary band is to them.

Side projects are (more often than not) a good thing. Metallica let the "side projects steal ideas from the main band" philosophy fuck them over, and I don't see Opeth doing the same. However, I wouldn't know how likely a Damnation-style band would be... maybe Mikael will collaborate with Steven Wilson on an album (*splooge*).