Maynard has done it so why not Mikael Åkerfeldt?

Moonlapse said:
I'd rather he use all his best ideas for Opeth. His old project Sorskogen with Swano turned out an awesome track.. 'Mordet i Grottan' which single-handedly slaughters all of Damnation... but I think if Mikael were to focus too much on that it would definately detract time he could be using on Opeth. Not to mention the constant touring demand now that the band have become worldwide.

I keep hearing people talk about the Sorskogen project. I'm dying to hear it! Does anyone know where it can be found, either cd or mp3?
well one...Mikael is NOT Maynard...Maynard is a pretentious butt anyway...
ok enough about Maynard..
I think if he wanted to do something else he would have done it by now guys...Mikael seems to have a lot of differnet projects going on but why would he have to form another band just to play mellower stuff? i dont undertand that logic...
You wouldn't appreciate the soft parts of Opeth's music as much if all of it was soft. Contrast. Dynamics. Exactly. That's why Deliverance and Damnation weren't as good as previous works in the eyes of some. Deliverance had some dynamics, Damnation had none, really.
I just managed to score that Sorskogen song this morning on Soulseek. Quite right Moonlapse, it does put Damnation to shame. To me, it sounds like Mike has the good ideas, and Swano executes them very well... compared to Wilson, who executes Mikes ideas with all the PT production values... hmmm
Prowler121 said:
I am a big fan of Mikael's voice on Opeth's mellower stuff like the Damnation album and songs like Still Day Beneath the Sun. So why doesn't he form a band that that focuses on the type of stuff he did on Damnation freeing up Opeth to just concentrate of the heavy stuff like the album he hinted at on the lamnetations DVD?

Maybe he could do albums only and not tour so he doesn't take too much time away from working with Opeth. He could even have Opeth's other musicians guest on the album as well as people like Steven Wilson or (gasp) Robert Fripp.

Maybe I'm being selfish ,but since everyone in Opeth agrees that Damnation was a one time thing for Opeth, I think Mikael should create an output for his mellower and proggier leanings.
He can if he wants, but don't compare this idea to Maynard with A Perfect Circle...for the debut, most of the songs were written before the songwriter even found a singer, and he'd originally planned to have a female singer. Maynard was almost a "guest vocalist", although I guess after they brought him in he wrote some of the lyrics. It just sort of became more of a permanent position after he'd joined. Yeah. He definitely wasn't the one that formed it.