Wow Mikael Åkerfeldt posts on here thats cool! (noob thread alert)

I didn't...if you read my post in that thread I defended fan concern and critisism..what seems weird is that it take this kind of banter to trigger a post from thy master...
I don't know why I reply as it always ends up biting me in the ass.

To painingrey who called me a coward...
Did you ever read that thread where I posted the "idiot" comment? It was just full of retarded childish gibberish, and that's what I commented on.
Now, I don't know what I should do? I don't have the home numbers to all you people so I can't call you up and say "You idiot"! So I post it here. I don't know if you're trying to pick a fight, be smart or think you "got me". Whatever...this forum is about my band and I feel entitled to say basically whatever I want once I think something is wrong, I/we get attacked etc...if that makes me a coward, than so be it.

You gotta excuse me for having a personal relation with my band, I do get upset when people talk about something they don't know shit about. I get upset when someone picks on a great drummer like Axe. It's just beyond me that everyone can't hear how great he is! I don't understand it! We can play every style with him. I've never felt that there's a shortage when we play our old songs, jam, play some Purple stuff or whatever...he's always on. Maybe I'm going deaf and I lost my sense of rhythm, I don't know.

Yet, I love you all and I thank you for supporting us. I guess that's the beauty of music that we feel so strongly about it we get upset from time to time.

Over and fuckin' out!
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I just realised how silly this whole situation is and laughed a little bit.

I don't think everything Mikael says is super awesome perfect on spot good for all time end of end coolness. In fact, I have never responded to his posts or really made mention of anything he's ever posted before until I read your post. I don't know why, but it just triggered something. I just see this whole situation as totally blown out of proportion and that Mikael is in the right in this case.

Now, because I see it as so, am I a blind Opethian who loves the abnd so much that I'll defend everything the band ever says or something? No. That's retarded. As retarded as criticising Axe for something he hasn't screwed up. I haven't even listened to Opeth in a couple weeks, and months before that instance. There's just too much good music out there. For every Opeth song I listen to I listen to like 30 Yes songs. Anyway, I'm totally going off topic there.

What I mean to say is that I'm no worshipper of Mikael because I defended his statement.

I just don't agree with his attitude and post... and do you know what happens in this new breed of Opeth fans if you don't agree with anything the ALMIGHTY Mikael Akerfeldt does or says?

You're missing the point of the whole situation. The new breed of idiot Opeth fans aren't the ones that don't agree with everything he says. They're the ones who cast judgments without knowing what they're talking about. It's one thing to say you are unsure of his drumming because of Bloodbath and want to wait and see how the new album will turn out. It's another to say he sucks because Lopez has jazz influences.

I was unsure when they pulled Per on as an official member. Even after Ghost Reveries I still want to see him do something more. Maybe I'm expecting a wild and crazy Rick Wakemen keyboard solo, but I don't doubt Per's skills or abilities because he didn't have a solo on Ghost Reveries. With new members you just have to see them come into their own. You can't quickly judge like those terrific "fans" did.

EDIT: Btw, painergrey, don't think this is the death of you on this board. It isn't. Tubbs is retarded in that post. You just see it differently as I'm sure a lot of other people do. My guess is that this issue is pretty 50/50.
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Mikael, we know you'll do good, you always have... irregardless of the drummer I think?...personally I think you need to get with David Torn like you did with Steve Wilson and make the most badass melodically evil metal record yet! Listen to the soundtracks like dawn & dusk from The Order..
David Torn
You guys would be awesome in guys should hook up imo!!!!
I know you like Scott Walker but I think David Torn is more melodic and is a better fit for Opeth...I'm curious as to how you would incorperate The Drift into an Opeth sound?
Mmmm, I dunno Mike, you say in one post, "Don't talk too much shit about me. or...or... else," you can be pretty much certain some one will be along to do JUST that...

Mikael Åkerfeldt;5783400 said:
I don't know if you're trying to pick a fight, be smart or think you "got me".

I'm not trying to pick a fight, neither being smart... and I don't have this feeling of "I got him". I'm just saying what I feel about this whole situation.

Mikael Åkerfeldt;5783400 said:
Whatever...this forum is about my band and I feel entitled to say basically whatever I want once I think something is wrong, I/we get attacked etc...if that makes me a coward, than so be it.

Great, maybe it really does make you a coward, but that's up to you. The forum is about your band and you're completely right... you can say basically whatever you want, bash whoever you want, criticize anyone... however, seemingly you can't take much criticism.

Statements like "this forum is about my band", "don't question my judgement", and "when somebody picks on his drumming I can't help but feel that that person is a deaf moron who knows nothing about music or drumming" makes you look like that typical child who says: "This ball is mine, mine, mine. You won't play football if you don't follow my rules". Childish... isn't it? Maybe even more childish than the "new breed of idiot Opeth fans" fighting on who's better, Lopez or Axe. By the way, if there's a "NEW breed of idiot Opeth fans", I must deduce there was already a breed of idiot Opeth fans. Why didn't you slam them as rudely as you did to the "NEW breed"? Maybe because they're VERY smart and their topics and posts aren't childish at all. You're right... a thread like "If you could describe Opeth with 4 colours what would they be?" is VERY MATURE, much more mature than guys discussing about Lopez and Axe. It's so mature that when I saw it posted I felt like I was in a Britney Spears board.

Unfortunately great (I'd say genius) musicians like you don't usually know how to deal with their fans. It seems like the bigger the band gets, the worse it is to musicians like you, because you simply lose control of the whole thing and don't realize you must differentiate your personal relation with your band to the relation the public has towards your band. Open your eyes, take a look around, and you will see that Opeth is not a garage band anymore. You aren't Guns N' Roses either, but you're quite big in your own style. In other words, you are exposed, your band is others' band as well. You control it musically, artistically, but you can't control the comments about it, nor yet the reviewers or the fans. Your music and your art are exposed, they're in the public eye. You were the one who chose this, so deal with it.

There's no big difference between Sebastian Bach/Axl Rose attacking their fans (who weren't being nice to them while they were onstage)... jumping off the stage and punching them in the middle of the crowd in the 80's/90's and you slamming your fans publicly on the Internet. It's just a different era... a new era with a new breed of fans, and a new breed of musicians who don't know how to deal with fame, criticism, and the harsh actions of some fans. You definitely don't need to accept everything, but you probably need to know how to answer to those fans properly, instead of sounding like a dictator or an amateur.

You are an excellent musician, truly incredible. You've created some of the most unique musical legacies of the last 15 years, however, this doesn't mean you know anything else than expressing yourself musically. That's the difference between musicians and TRUE entertainers (although some musicians are entertainers as well). As much as entertainers have a lot to learn with musicians, musicians have a lot to learn with entertainers.
this is becoming a dangerous place for painergrey I think hehe :) .. (because of some of the hugely exagerating "fans" who will not tolerate this).

but still, @painergrey: I don't think it's immature to defend a good friend of yours when he is being cowardly attacked, e.g. on the internet ...
and I think it's not easy to become famous and everyone starts to interfere with the band you have founded and been in control of for 15 years. it's different for famous people like paris hilton or britney spears, because all they want is to be famous and have lots of attention. but we are talking about a band whose only wish is to put out their music, and sharing it with the world. I think that Mikael would still prefer to create his own music and make his own choices without the fame, above the scenario the other way around.

our job is to listen to their music, even form an opinion about it, but without interfering in the structure of the band or the writing process or anything else ... and when people start to interfere, than the band has to act firmly. you would want them to act firmly as well against roadrunner if they would start demanding changes, or say that Axe wouldn't be good enough ...

Perhaps the words that Mikael used are offensive to you, but I think it's just the way he talks :p although I can't know that ... but I think in the metalworld, we are not dealing with pussies who speak like britney spears and try to be "friendly" and "nice" and whatsoever ... :p so a fuck here and there, and some rude talking is part of the game :p
besides, again, if someone attacks someone/something close to you, than you react with passion ...

oh well, I kind of think this whole "discussion" is stupid ... people can say whatever they want, in the way they want ...
honestly painergrey, I think you are complaining a bit too much. what do you care what Mikael says, or how he says it?
I kinda see what painergrey is saying here, though I believe Mike said those things in moments of anger and didn't really mean to sound that harsh, but that's up for him to clarify.
I think it's natural for Mike (and any other human being, for that matter) to protect those close to them and those they cherish and care about as Mike did for Axe, even if the way he phrased himself was a bit rude.
I think he should be able to say whatever the fuck he wants. Who cares? This reminds me of Anders' response to the steaming pile of cowshit that was the online bloodbath vocalist search, and the bawling that ensued there.
Honestly how you can compare a down-to-earth fellow like Mike (although I admittedly don't know him) to Axl Rose or Sabastien Bach is completely beyond me.
How do you think people would have felt back when Opeth took friggin' Amon Amarth's drummer into its ranks? I would say that turned out pretty well. If frankly defending a member of the band from unfair attacks from kids hiding behind the veil of the internet is the new "jumping into a crowd and punching someone", everyone has turned into walking vaginas.
but we are talking about a band whose only wish is to put out their music, and sharing it with the world. I think that Mikael would still prefer to create his own music and make his own choices without the fame, above the scenario the other way around.

I agree with you and I believe music is his and Opeth's main focus. Creating and sharing it... those are their aims, and they've been doing that very well. This is not a problem... the other way round, it's very good actually. That's why Opeth is such an incredible band.

and when people start to interfere, than the band has to act firmly. you would want them to act firmly as well against roadrunner if they would start demanding changes, or say that Axe wouldn't be good enough...

They were not interfering. They were just whining and saying what they think and feel about Opeth's new drummer on an Internet board. In a harsh and childish way but.... (below)

but I think in the metalworld, we are not dealing with pussies who speak like britney spears and try to be "friendly" and "nice" and whatsoever ... :p so a fuck here and there, and some rude talking is part of the game :p

That may be a good logic... and if it is, the whole discussion between the fanboys is explained. It makes total sense.

Honestly how you can compare a down-to-earth fellow like Mike (although I admittedly don't know him) to Axl Rose or Sabastian Bach is completely beyond me.

I'm not comparing their personalities, their character, I'm comparing specific situations and attitudes.

If frankly defending a member of the band from unfair attacks from kids hiding behind the veil of the internet is the new "jumping into a crowd and punching someone", everyone has turned into walking vaginas.

Perfect portrait of what "everyone" has turned into. Those fans who were attacked by Axl and Sebastian back in the 80's/90's were also hiding behind a veil... not of the Internet, but of the BIG CROWDS. Some of them probably never imagined they would have ever been discovered among 20,000 people, maybe more. Or at least they couldn't imagine that Sebastian and Axl would jump there and punch them.

honestly painergrey, I think you are complaining a bit too much. what do you care what Mikael says, or how he says it?

Ok. Maybe I complained a bit too much and actually I already admitted that in a previous post in which I said "maybe he was not as bad as I'm painting here (...)".

I'm very interested in what Mikael says about music, not about the rest. However, I read those two posts he made in that thread and I kept reading the thread and the reactions to Mikael's posts... and it was quite depressing to see the flock of sheep praising Mikael's words. Things like:

"well since it took the ol' swedish longhair himself coming over here to shut us all up" - Wow, that gives Mikael a real God dimension. This is... RELIGION, not idolatry, a band, a musician, or anything else.

This type of statement made me comment about what Mikael said... although I must confess I was already inclined to write something because I didn't agree with his attitude, and USUALLY I would never agree with a musician calling his fans (or a new breed, or just part of his fans) "idiots".

To conclude, I don't even share the opinions of those guys slamming Axe. I think he's a great drummer and will replace Lopez and make justice to his outstanding playing throughout all those years. He will add a very distinct flavour to Opeth's music and I can't wait to hear that.
"well since it took the ol' swedish longhair himself coming over here to shut us all up" - Wow, that gives Mikael a real God dimension. This is... RELIGION, not idolatry, a band, a musician, or anything else.

totally agree with you on this one ;)
I simply can not understand how some people make gods of someone, without joking about it ... they take it a bit too serious ... but oh well ...
just don't think it's worth the time to make a whole thread out of it here, although I'm contributing now :) I'll stop here ... silly discussion actually, let us frown upon those ridiculous idolizing teens, but simply ignore them ;)