Mikael likes The Mars Volta!!


Satanic Hispanic
Jun 4, 2002
check out his new playlist!!
That fuckin' rules!
Yeah, I picked up De-loused In The Comatorium... It's pretty good. Just a few things bug me: parts of different songs sound too much like each other. And the sound of the guitar pisses me off. Some parts of it are too fast for my liking, as well. But, it's pretty decent... My favorite song is Eriatarka.
Great record indeed. Some songs sounds like they are extended with long nonens parts just to be long, thats a bit unnecessary, in every other way it's a great volume.
Yeah, that Mars Volta album is pretty fucking sweet. And to think Flea is playing bass! RHCP have sucked for years, who knew he had it in him to play with a decent band.

Radiohead better watch out, there's been a shitload of bands going after them.
chaveta said:
i think flea only colaborated on a few tracks.. or did he do the whole record?
Yeah Flea played on the whole record. The new bassist (only touring maybe) is none other than John Alderete of Racer X fame!
I think John Frusciante also played on Cicatriz ESP. So there you go!
Also Mars Volta was opening act on the recent Red Hot Chili Peppers tour.
OMFG! Mike likes Mars Volta... due to my complete fanboy utterance I will purchase every Mars Volta album just cause he had it in his new playlist!

Come on, give me a break. You guys do this with every band that he puts under has playlist. Two great examples are Porcupine Tree and Camel. One day there is gonig to be a mistake and he is going to list Justin Timberlake as a band that he listens to and everyone is going to come on here and say "Cool! Mike Listens to Justin! Justin fuckin' rulez! Time to waste my money on music that I only like cause my secret lover listens to!"