Mikael's attack on KsE

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AbsentFriend said:
who the fuck are you?
He is someone who is right. Don't push it or you'll end up looking stupid. That is not meant to be rude. Everyone in fact should just shut up.
Oinkness or whatever the fuck this faggot is called said:
Well, whatever floats your boat, son.

I am leaving this thread. It has served it's purpose.
Petty bitchfights aren't my bag.

:muahaha: :rock: :Smokin: wait,,, wheres the suicide note ..??!: :rock: :Smokin:
AbsentFriend said:
I think the Mikael posting in this thread is not THE Mikael. 7 Posts?? Mike has been here longer people! Fucking hoax!!
  • Mikael and the band are in Australia
  • Australians don't use the letter Å
  • Therefore, their keyboards (which he'd be using to respond to this SHIT thread) don't have Å.
  • 1+1+1=...
Man In Black said:

Lmfao... for some reason that was the one thing in this thread that really made me laugh.
Kenneth R. said:
  • Mikael and the band are in Australia
  • Australians don't use the letter Å
  • Therefore, their keyboards (which he'd be using to respond to this SHIT thread) don't have Å.
  • 1+1+1=...
Why did you have to explain it to the retard?
The guy who started this is such an attention whore that its not even funny !

Can a moderator do his job, ban the troll, close the thread so we can all live happily ever after ???

Thank you Very Much.
Death_To_False_Metal said:
The guy who started this is such an attention whore that its not even funny !

Can a moderator do his job, ban the troll, close the thread so we can all live happily ever after ???

Thank you Very Much.

no, i think moonie is too busy practicing other bands' solos all day to actually perform the task he was given.
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