Mike and G3

That would be nice indeed, probably my first DVD purchase of the series if the idea ever sees the light of day.
alot of people think its a terrible idea because his style is very differint, and doesn't belong with those players.

Isn't that kind of the point? I mean Eric Johnson fit less than MJR would.
Hell, didn't Robert Fripp do part of a G3 tour? I'm hoping Joe comes to his senses and gets Eklundh on board...
Im wondering if Mike has the solo/instrumental music for it at this time? They dont really feature "bands" but individual artists and "friends". Maybe someday Mike will do a new full solo release, it would seem more feasible at that time. I believe he is more than diverse enough from what I heard of his parts off Russells album. Thats my thoughts anyhow.
Im wondering if Mike has the solo/instrumental music for it at this time? They dont really feature "bands" but individual artists and "friends". Maybe someday Mike will do a new full solo release, it would seem more feasible at that time. I believe he is more than diverse enough from what I heard of his parts off Russells album. Thats my thoughts anyhow.

Romeo has a instrumental guitar album... its called The Dark Chapter. Check it out, pretty cool.
Romeo has a instrumental guitar album... its called The Dark Chapter. Check it out, pretty cool.

I would like to buy it one day. I was thinking something since than, its all been pretty much Symphony X since and thats no minor effort.

I'm not understanding the bad match idea outside of the majority of his work being with the band.
While I don't think he gels with the whole thing stylistically (though, as already mentioned, there have been other people on there that didn't quite match and it still worked), my issue is that I really don't see Romeo as a solo act. I don't see him carrying a set by himself at all for several reasons. I felt the same about Petrucci. Maybe "terrible" was an overstatement, but I feel they both work very well in band settings and not so much as solo acts.
May be its time for a new Romeo album...but still, Romeo, Vai and Malmsteen will be gr8 to see I guess
I wish there were some way to get Satch off G3. I'm sick of his terrible tone, I'm sick of his songs that don't change progressions at all, and I'm sick of him bailing out of runs with high pitched whammy bends.

While I'm at it getting rid of Satch, I think Paul Gilbert should take over his permanent position on the tour. PG seriously tore Satch and JP to ribbons on their tour - it was borderline embarrassing for the other two (and I love JP, but Paul is just leagues beyond in improv). Seeing PG and Bruce play Scarrified live was better than Satch and Petrucci's entire sets combined.

That being said, I think MJR would have to write some material first that was very guitar based to actually have viable material to perform at G3. The Dark Chapter is cool but MJR has developed so much since that material was written. I think guys who write in the style of Vai and Eric Johnson - that is, fantastic chords and chord progressions with constantly evolving leads with tons of attention to detail. MJR doesn't really have much material right now with that vibe, and a set of power chord based tunes gets really monotonous (JPs material is not varied enough to sustain an entire guitar based set). However, I think Mike is an extremely capable guitarist with tons of depth to his musical prowess and if he found the time to write some guitar based material, could fit in nicely on a G3 tour.
Unfortunately, G3 is Satch's baby.....

I really liked him up until the Extremist. He has really left me flat with his more recent output. So, I have no choice but to agree with you on this...
Mark this day on your scorecard! :)