military metal

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
just thought id try and see where the military guys are on here.

so if youre past/present military, post on here. who knows, maybe we're stationed in the same places. so post who ya are, what countries military, branch, where youre stationed, and what sorta scene exists...

a1c starr.
stationed at kadena ab, okinawa.
small scene here, but ive discovered some bands and some venues. ive also found some military guys here also into metal and looking into a band.
and a little advertisement. im a bass player lookin for a band. ill be here for 2 years

ok, anyone else?
genocide roach said:
a1c starr.
stationed at kadena ab, okinawa.
small scene here, but ive discovered some bands and some venues. ive also found some military guys here also into metal and looking into a band.
and a little advertisement. im a bass player lookin for a band. ill be here for 2 years

ok, anyone else?

Ah, Okinawa...what memories... :Spin:

Is the Cannon Club on BC Street still open and do they still have the house band playing there? Same with the A Sign? Oh yeah, are the girls still working "Whisper Alley?" Is the banana show still there and is it the same woman? I digress... :grin:

There wasn't too much of a scene other than the Cannon Club and the A Sign (where Metal would be played until they threw us out at the 6 a.m. closing time) back in 91 in Okinawa, though we did get the occasional live band (usually local) playing the clubs on base.

There was usually someone to jam with on base, though. One of the best things about being in an enviroment such as the military is that there is almost always someone else that plays.
i havnt heard of those clubs. the main places to see metal round here is hideaway and 7th heaven (gate 2 street). 7th heaven had "bloodfest vol 4" last weekend. i only caught a couple bands though. and a band called deadblood is playing hideaway next weekend. black/death band.

the banana show still exists, and yes, its the same woman doing it! shes like, 60 years old lol. there is also a rock tumbling show, or somthin. i havnt seen it. some strange things on this island
The Cannon Club was right on BC street; they usually had the house band. Also on BC Street was a music store where I was usually spending my weekends - buying CDs that can't be purchased in the States. There was another music store down at the end of the shopping block called Fukuhara Music that usually had a good selection when the music store on BC Street was out of something.

The A Sign was located, if my memory serves me correctly, just down the road from Gate 2 (which gate is located next to the USO?) at Kadena on the way to BC Street. It was down below street level and had an all-wood paneled interior...hell, everything was made of wood in that club. I was always amazed that the place never caught on fire! :dopey: There, we would drink until 6 am, take a taxi or someone's car back to our base, hit the chow hall for breakfast on Saturday morning, go back to the barracks and sleep until mid-afternoon and repeat the cycle. :grin:

Still good times, though we usually didn't get much live Metal save for the Cannon Club back in the early 90s. Glad some things have changed...and still need to change! She's still doing the banana show?! :ill: Good God! :yuk:
is bc street near gate 2 street? gate 2 street is the one by the uso.

i think ive been to fukahara music. i almost bought a bc rich iron bird from em! the cd selection there is also fantastic. too bad cds cost an arm and a leg now. fuckin 30 bucks!
I was in Okinawa in 1996 in the Marines. I went to BC Street a few times. I do remember a music store there, but I have no idea what the name of it is.