Milking the Cash Cow


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
From Bravewords:

"Candlelight Records are reissuing OPETH’s Orchid, Morning Rise and My
Arms, Your Hearse albums on October 20th in very limited edition logo
embossed tins. This edition is limited to a run of 2,000."

So, you now have the chance to buy these albums again, only this time they're in a tin!!! Guarenteed to keep your CD fresh and shiny..... Don't you just love the cynical way labels try and extract money out of genuine fans?
This is what labels do best.
Fuck, Morrissey's label(s) pull the same shit they repackage his music evey other year, since Morrissey has a core devoted following they take advantage.
Lee_B said:
From Bravewords:

"Candlelight Records are reissuing OPETH’s Orchid, Morning Rise and My
Arms, Your Hearse albums on October 20th in very limited edition logo
embossed tins. This edition is limited to a run of 2,000."

So, you now have the chance to buy these albums again, only this time they're in a tin!!! Guarenteed to keep your CD fresh and shiny..... Don't you just love the cynical way labels try and extract money out of genuine fans?
Eh. I get what you mean but no one really has to be _that_ genuine fan. The buyer's a dork here.
I'm sick of all that limited-edition-with-bonus-track-and-lunchbox reissue bullshit. I used to go out of my way to check out bands on Peaceville, but they've done so much shit like this, now I avoid all but the bands I already like on that label.
Well, I ordered them, but I didn't have their first three yet, so it's no big deal.

Although I don't know what they mean with "logo
embossed tins"...
The Usurper said:
Although I don't know what they mean with "logo
embossed tins"...
It no doubt means they got 6000 tins made with the Opeth "O" logo on it, and will spread the three releases across. So, each album will look identical from the outside, besides probably a sticker to tell you which one is which.
It seems pretty stupid to get worked up about these re-releases and new packaging stuff. It is standard marketing practice that has been going on for 40 or more years. Probably a fucking century. Every consumable item has been repackaged at some stage.
(One classic example is the humble toothbrush which basic design has remained the same for decades. But every year there is some technological breakthrough.)
Man just don't buy it. Don't whinge, don't complain. Opeth are not the first, won't be the last. And as to that old "the dumb consumer" get over it. You buy for your own reasons. Maybe I like having a metal case with Opeth embossed on it. So what. Its my money, its my choice. The beauty of the market makes it so.
Its just part of the game.
narcisco said:
Every consumable item has been repackaged at some stage.
(One classic example is the humble toothbrush which basic design has remained the same for decades. But every year there is some technological breakthrough.)
yeah, but you have to keep buying new toothbrushes or your teeth will be horrid. since these are the 3 opeth albums i don't have, i think i may have to buy them all like this. the idea i think is reintroducing these albums to a fanbase which grew considerably after blackwater park (the album, i think, which broke opeth to some extent)
You guys all seem to be forgetting that Opeth themselves stand to gain some cash from this deal. And why not? They deserve to make some money on their back catalogue - ALL of their shit is good, and if people are just now discovering their old stuff, why not make it more attractive so people will want to buy it? That's a good way to make money on what you've already done, AND it gives new fans a cool way to check out your old stuff by making it easier to find and nicer to look at. Face it - Orchid's packaging is ugly. Even Opeth thinks so. Don't like it? Don't buy it! But I just might get the special edition MAYH to listen to, and put my signed one away.
re-issues are the bane of the metal scene. I hate them. Fuck the new fans. Let the albums go out of print and gather somewhat legendary status.
Wow who would have ever guessed this from Candlelight haha, I definitely wont be buying these albums again. I ended up buying the other re-release for the bonus tracks and traded them so it wasn't a complete waste. I hate it when labels do this.
Dreamlord said:
re-issues are the bane of the metal scene. I hate them. Fuck the new fans. Let the albums go out of print and gather somewhat legendary status.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, the rational side in me says that's a bad thing. But it'd be really funny to have people who got into Opeth with Deliverance to never be able to get their hands on a copy of Orchid.
Dreamlord said:
re-issues are the bane of the metal scene. I hate them. Fuck the new fans. Let the albums go out of print and gather somewhat legendary status.
I REALLY hope you are being sarcastic...because if you're not you get the award for quite possibly the most retarded post I've seen on this forum..
ehhh i dunno, its fun to be like "HAHAHAHAHA I HAVE AN ORIGNIAL COPY OF ORCHID! [EVEN IF I PAID $30 FOR IT!], die asshole, go listen to mudvayne!"
MindInsane said:
I REALLY hope you are being sarcastic...because if you're not you get the award for quite possibly the most retarded post I've seen on this forum..

Instead of sounding like a twat, why don't you give reasons why you think my post is retarded? And if this is possibly the most retarded post you've seen, you obviously don't read 75% of the threads in this forum.
Dreamlord said:
Instead of sounding like a twat, why don't you give reasons why you think my post is retarded? And if this is possibly the most retarded post you've seen, you obviously don't read 75% of the threads in this forum.
A twat?? WTF?? MmmmKay:Smug:

Well..the reason I think it's retarded is simple;

Being an avid Opeth fan I want many people to be exposed to their genius and the thought of their music being out of print is a shitty one. Why would you want thier music to become hard to get and more obscure than it is now? Personally I want their albums to continue to be lucrative for the band for years to come. I definitely don't want to be a completely selfish elitist "twat" who wants all the bands I listen to to fade into obscurity so I can say that I've got their out of print cds in my collection...because hey...that really proves that I'm TR000000000000!