Milwaukee concert review


Dec 3, 2002
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I just got back from seeing was pretty good, but fucking Devil Driver played for SO long that I half wanted Opeth to hurry up so I could GO TO BED, haha. The setlist was pretty much the same as other recent ones...some of this might be slightly out of order.

Ghost of Perdition
White Cluster
The Amen Corner
Baying of the Hounds
Under the Weeping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
The Drapery Falls


I was disappointed that we got TDF instead of The Leper Affinity, but otherwise quite good. Deliverance pretty much rules live even though I prefer the Demon of the Fall on record. Mikael was his usual extremely spacey, hilarious self, but used less profanity than normal. The best two parts were when he went on and on about how "We had.....a first cd. Perhaps some of you have heard it....florists tend to like was called had an orchid on it!" Then the crowd started yelling FLOWERS RULE! and then one guy went FUCK FLOWERS! and Mikael went back FUCK FLOWERS! in a really stupid voice. It was awesome. Then towards the end he told us to repeat after him and that he was going to teach us some Swedish, so first he made everyone say "I am hungry for meatballs" and then "I suck my own cock." When they came back for the encore he was like "yes...the whole waiting backstage thing is quite stupid...we will admit that...but it feeds our egos. Would you like to hear some more rock and roll? Can you headbang for 13 more minutes? I would like to see some headbanging in the would make me very horny." He had some other good moments but I can't remember them right now.

Devildriver was basically intolerable imo, but the crowd was REALLY into it...most of the people around me had ALL THEIR LYRICS memorized, it was surreal having a chorus of idiots screaming along with THAT. They were somewhat entertaining I guess but mostly pretty bad...I spent most of my attention focusing on smashing through the 12 year old thrice fans and the surprisingly large number of women to get almost to the front. Funtimes.

Dark Tranquillity played well but their sound was abominable...the drums were WAY too loud so whenever the drummer was playing anything you couldn't hear the guitars OR keyboard OR turned most of the songs into drum/vocal duets with occasional breaks with other instruments. They played a pretty slick setlist's what I remember of it (I'll get the order wrong for sure, the concert was like 4 hours long and then I drove back home for 2 hours so I've had a lot of time to forget).

The Wonders At Your Feet
Lost to Apathy
The Treason Wall
The New Build
Damage Done
Punish My Heaven
My Negation
Final Resistance
I agree, it seemed like Devildriver played forever. They don't do much for me....would've rather seen Opeth only and actually tried to, but we got there too early. All in all a good show...
Mike was hysterical at the show I saw, I loved it. When they got to Under the Weeping Moon, he was like "We had a real problem. We loved death metal, but we still wanted to get chicks, so naturally we put a flower on the cover.....yeah, it didn't work. We got a couple gay offers though." I was dying.
Mikael is probably the only mad/god on earth that can talk so calmly and be so goddamn hilarious without even trying.... i wasn't at the milwaukee show but i could imagine how funny it is coming out of his mouth, he was hilarious at the chicago show "this next song is off of our red album"
9 songs is pretty considerable when almost all of them are 10 minutes long! Opeth probably played about 75-90 minutes, Devildriver maybe an hour (hard to be sure, it very possibly was much less, it felt like an eternity though), and Dark Tranquillity like 30-40. Dark Tranquillity actually came on almost right on time (at 8) and then there was like 30-40 minutes in between each band for sound checks and stuff.
We showed up just in time for Devildriver :ill: Let me break down their setlist:

Unremarkable Song #1
Unremarkable Song #2
Unremarkable Song #3
Unremarkable Song #4 etc....

My first time seeing Opeth so that in itself was cool, but didn't like the setlist much.