MindGrinder - MindTech


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
MindGrinder – MindTech
Candlelight Records – June 29th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


Any and all negative adjectives - such as stale, formulaic, repugnant, boring - can be used to capsulate MindGrinder’s MindTech. What we have here is the debut album from a band that boasts former/session musicians from revered acts such as Windir and Zyklon. So you’re thinking the record might actually be kinda good, when - in reality - it offers absolutely nothing new to the realm of death metal. It only serves as a pale representation of what hundreds of better bands are doing nowadays.

Perhaps my biggest beef with this album is that there’s, apparently, a drum machine in place of real drums. Why not just hire a session musician to fill the gap? It’s true that it's most likely cheaper but, in my opinion, a drum machine infuses lifelessness directly into the songs. There are plenty of good drummers in Norway; why not call one of them up?

Meanwhile, songs like “Repulsive Evolution” and “Regeneration” are monotonous, as cookie-cutter riffs create filler for even the least-experienced death metaller. At times, though, some sections sound akin to Zyklon which is fine and expected; but, that’s only if you are Zyklon. Average vocals punctuate the tracks, while failing to rouse any interest from this reviewer.

Overall, the only recommendation I can give is: go listen to something better than this.


Official MindGrinder website
Offical Candlelight Records website
Influences are one thing, trying to rip off a certain bands signature sound is another. Mingrinder rape Zyklon's sound just as bad as Daylight Dies does with Brave Murder Day-era Katatonia. I seriously cannot understand how someone would even be willing to buy this album.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:

You're kidding right? Go listen to No Reply and Brave Murder Day back to back, come back, and tell me that not one instrument recorded on No Reply was exactly emulated to reproduce the sounds on Brave Murder Day. Pay particularly close attention to the sound of the snare and bass drums. If you can do that and come back here and tell me that these albums sound nothing alike, you seriously need your ears checked. Either way, my statement stands.
well excuse me, i fucking produce music, if there was any simularity I think i'd be able to tell. They're both doom bands, katatonia have been a huge influence on Daylight Dies no doubt.

Your theory crumbles when it comes to the fact that Daylight Dies play doomy melodic thrash riffs and katatonia have their own little surging riff doom style going on.

Theres also the fact that the Daylight Dies album sounds good and brave murder day sounds shite really.

If theres one thing I hate its lazy comparisons and generalisations of things, there are simularities but the differences far outweigh them.