Misheard Lyrics

today in Cursed be iron:

Hidden in their heaven bathrooms instead of Hidden in their heaving bosoms

i really cant imagine Vikings who are hiding in heaven bathrooms.. ( if there are any.. ;) )
First times listening to Sahti-Waari, before I had read any lyrics, I heard 'murtumaan' as 'kurkkumaa', which means 'cucumber patch'... you know, a piece of garden where you grow cucumbers...
Edguy - "You're alive, said the maker, go smile at the aardvark." Seemed rather bizarre being told to go smile at an aardvark, so i looked at the lyrics... and no joke, these are the actual lyrics as printed in the CD booklet:
"You're alive, said the maker and smiled at the aardvark." So I wasn't being told to smile at an aardvark, the maker was smiling at the aardvark... doesn't make it any less weird Tobias!
I just remembered the Battle Kettle request... keep an eye out for a new topic shortly, as I may, note MAY, just have done it :p