Misheard Opeth Lyrics

It sounds like he says " ruby eyes in the fuck, it is me.." and right after that when he grunts it sounds like hes saying "bill"
so it'd be "ruby eyes in the fuck, it is me... BILL"
I cant believe I never heard it like that until you pointed it out
that some funny shit

ruby eyes in the fuck, it is me BILL

I think I'm dying
in the lotus eater i thought it was : liquid is in your throat, opeths delight

itd be pretty lame for a band to reference themselves in their own music
Don't know if someone has said it already. But in 'The Baying of the Hounds' it sounds like: "Pest ridden TACOS of the eeeaaaarth"

also in the same song...

"...spreading the GAY upon your skin"
and to verify this..."no longer struggling to declare your stance"
It was mentioned like 704857485702 times in the past 5 days or something. It's awesome! too bad I can't hear it I hear:
"Oh sweet taco of the earth" and then in the next one "Diabolical beans, sit by its side" I know the second part doesn't really sound like it but 2 sentences after it there is a sentence which it does in it and when I hear the song in my mind i hear it like this and its worse than your version!

Birds escape.
You'd fuck those wings.


Now fall into a vacant spear.
Now go to jail and surrounded me.
Well, a really funny one that you are bound to come upon if you listen to it after this, is in Death Whispered A Lullaby, the like third lines where it says" Trying to find, some peace of mind..." It sounds just like he says "Trying to find, some piece of PIE!!" Go listen, and you will laugh, I guarantee it.
