Mix/Master in progress, please help!


Jul 13, 2005

The band is called asunder, it was all tracked in a cramp basement/rehearsalroom, with limited sources ( c1000's on overheads.. yuck..) and next to that i must say never tracked a band this crap ever!!

So it was kind of a salvage job, but i bet i came out swell for what its worth:)
First time i used a Hardware BBE maximizer on guitars instead of the plug version (i used it while mixing, don't worry hehhe.. i'm not THAT bad at tracking haha), and i must say that the hardware version smokes the plug in!


I would like your opinions on the mix/master thus far if possible!
Any feedback is welcome!


sounds killer! especially concidering the place and equipment it's been recorded with.

small points of criticism: i think the snare reverb is too short / gated, especially in the slow part that starts at 2:15, it could sound a lot bigger there with a longer snare reverb.
bass and guitars sound ace!
drums are pretty natural but i like that aproach. personally i would try to take out a little mud in the toms but it surely isn't a must.
some snare hits ar a bit off time (too late) and i hear some false triggers or sloppy playing in the snareroll at 3:42
Thanks nico!

and that was the last time i'm gonna record (or actually take my monitors to hehe) a place like that, next time i'm doing it on headphones, because i recorded everything just a little to bassy.
But hell.. you learn from mistakes during tracking/recording like that right?

And your right about the verb, i prolly could use a bit more "larger" sound, the one i'm using now is a EMT140 impulse, small plate, which DOES push it back into the mix pretty cool but doesn't sound realy spectacular on its own.. i'm gonna try and combine it with another reverb.. see if that works!

and i actually thought i triggered the drums too much hahaha, that cool to hear, Kick is a 100% triggered and snare about 50/40%.
And i hear you on the misstriggers.. i'm gonna see if some automation helps it some more, but considering your setting up the drumagog for a whole song it gets kinda hard to get all the parts sounding right.

Thanks for the feedback, i'm doing the final stuff (atleast or this track.. its gonna be on the noordschok sampler) today, so this helps alot!:kickass:

And Funky Animal:

Its a sample i made myself (downtuned in drumagog..) it contains about 3 samples i believe, and i made a gog of it i could post in a few minutes if you want.
Kick is the Kikbig sample downtuned about 64% which you allready got i believe?
Hahahahaha, no.. this Asunder is from "de Wâlden" in Friesland hehehe..

But i did discover that they would actually make a pretty good doom band if they would slow all their riffs down times ten and play in A:loco:
why do you need to set up drumagog for the whole song? can't you select a part wich dosn't go well with your main settings, finetune them untill it's perfect and bounce that part to a separate track?

as for the natural sound: i was mainly speaking about the tom sound.

good luck with the final touch, should be no problem i guess.

and yeah.. i tracked a few bands at the same place and never trust on anything else than my headphones there. accoustics however are pretty cool for such a crappy place i think, there is a sort of natural gated reverb wich i actually like:)
mix sounds real good. i really like the drums they sound really tight and nice, if you are having problems getting drumagog to trigger properly try expanding your resolution that usually will tak care of mis triggers for me. anyway great mix, decent band, nice job

Thanks ALOT guys!
I actually learned a cool trick while mixing this band..
That is to make a copie of your Snare track and filter it down to ONLY the snare, this sounds reeeaaally crappy but triggers like a dream!! after that just mix with the original snare and if needed send to a bus for compressing/overall EQ!

this is the final version btw..: http://www.myspace.com/asundermetal