Mix my Death Metal song

I just finished up a mix earlyer this morning, i will be posting pretty soon. what you are doing is very easy to work with, i had no issues or anything so it should be easy for someone to pick up and mix the whole thing.

Okay awesome, I was worried something was wrong with the files. I'm still quite new to the whole thing but if it works then :kickass:

How's my guitar sound? It's a gibson explorer, but I replaced the pickups with an emg 81-TW and 89 combo.
the guitar DIs were pretty excellent, i had no problem with them at all.
your doing a good job with it, but i am having a heck of a time with this dropbox deal. i have it uploaded, where do i get the link from to post it?
this is my first time using dropbox, haha.
Right click on your file that's in the dropbox folder, you have the standard drop down menu, but with a dropbox tab. Click on "copy public link". Make sure its in the public folder too.
alright, its in the public folder, its uploaded and all that, i right click on it, i go to dropbox, and there is nothing about a public link. ive clicked everything there is to click, nothings working, this sucks.
ill try to figure something out.
my mix will be posted! someday..
yeah i took the mix on pretty quick. didnt really put a lot of time into it, more time into figuring out that dang dropbox actually. haha.
are you looking for anything you want to keep? or just test mixes?
cause i can go in and fix things up and make it sound great if your looking for someone to mix all your stuff or whatever.
I would love someone to mix all my stuff, and if someone makes a good enough mix of this song I'll keep that for sure. I'll just have the vocals to add too it (which wont be long from now)
I can't say any of the guitar tones so far have caught my interest, all pretty standard sounding.



All these bands have 1 thing in common, the BOSS HM-2 pedal. If someone could replicate that sound I might make love to them. 1 good way is to combine different distortion pedals in the right fashion. Just listen to old-school swedish death metal and you'll hear it all the time
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Hum...I can give it a try. When will vocals be recorded?

Edit: 45 min quick mix


Guitar Rig 2 with stock cabs, studio devil bass, the metal "laundry" with first own preset I found, izotope ozone 3.
The mix is a bit rare in bass region, but it's a quick mix and haven't time to handle the electric bass. I have added some little delays and reverbs on rythms. Next friday-saturday I could dedicate it more time.

Thanks to some idiots I don't share my shitty presets, sorry.

...And of course, I'm a decent man who replies to all his pm's ;)
Hum...I can give it a try. When will vocals be recorded?

Edit: 45 min quick mix


Guitar Rig 2 with stock cabs, studio devil bass, the metal "laundry" with first own preset I found, izotope ozone 3.
The mix is a bit rare in bass region, but it's a quick mix and haven't time to handle the electric bass. I have added some little delays and reverbs on rythms. Next friday-saturday I could dedicate it more time.

Thanks to some idiots I don't share my shitty presets, sorry.

...And of course, I'm a decent man who replies to all his pm's ;)

holy fucking shit.... sounds like bloodbath. :)

This mix is so far my favorite -- overall mix and sound of the guitars. :kickass::rock:
Hum...I can give it a try. When will vocals be recorded?

Edit: 45 min quick mix


Guitar Rig 2 with stock cabs, studio devil bass, the metal "laundry" with first own preset I found, izotope ozone 3.
The mix is a bit rare in bass region, but it's a quick mix and haven't time to handle the electric bass. I have added some little delays and reverbs on rythms. Next friday-saturday I could dedicate it more time.

Thanks to some idiots I don't share my shitty presets, sorry.

...And of course, I'm a decent man who replies to all his pm's ;)

That sounds fucking killer.