Mix Tester PT2 Full band mix


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
This time with vocals included and a bit more song to hear.

Always have a hard time with the vocals, namely getting the level/presence/verb/delay right. Hopefully im not too far off here.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/451140/ETD_ 19.mp3

Once ive got this one pretty much down it will be the basis of the rest of the EP so I want this to be good! :)

I really dont like the singer. It has that hardcore vibe and doesnt fit very well the music IMO:erk: But all the rest it´s very good.
I really dont like the singer. It has that hardcore vibe and doesnt fit very well the music IMO:erk: But all the rest it´s very good.

As long as the rest is good :) Ive mixed this song 3 times in total and posted it up....well 3 times, either you love it or hate it really, suprisingly it gets a lot of love but ive heard it so many times I can't stand it :lol:

Thanks for checking it out :cool:
I would love a singer with a Testament or Exodus vibe but we cant have all!:loco: But anyway, great job:kickass:

Haha totally man, those 2 bands incorp my fav vocal styles! Ive been looking for that kinda voice for a long time, with the other songs I think they have more of that vibe of which I shall post bits of as the mix progresses :kickass: (All different singers)
Hey man, in some way this mix sounds super clean and crispy! You can hear everything, but it's loud and heavy as well. It sounds very "modern" I think.
Hey man, in some way this mix sounds super clean and crispy! You can hear everything, but it's loud and heavy as well. It sounds very "modern" I think.

Thanks man, if the mix gets the thumbs up then im sure with a bit of decent mastering it will be ready for release :kickass: :Smokedev:
I think the vocals need to be a little less wet and more in your face, sounds kinda distant the moment, and i think the guitars need a slight 1/2db boost too.
The vocals at the start sound too disconnected. Like you did separate takes for 'this is what you've come to' and 'be'. Dunno if its just timing or whatever.. I know what you're going for but it's not quite right yet.

Other than that, kiiiiiller. Perhaps a touch more bass guitar?
The vocals at the start sound too disconnected. Like you did separate takes for 'this is what you've come to' and 'be'. Dunno if its just timing or whatever.. I know what you're going for but it's not quite right yet.

Other than that, kiiiiiller. Perhaps a touch more bass guitar?

Haha I litrally just moved that sentence onto a blank track just because I couldn't be arsed to automate the FX mutes yet :) I think it is a little off timing wise but a bit of mouse shuffle will correct that.


EDIT: Link updated, worked on that start bit a little, plus cut out the annoying hi-hat ring that kept cutting over it, has more impact now. Upped the bass abit along with its dirty mid-range *oooh sir!* and yeah, good stuff!