mixing contest, paid job offer, rock music

I'd happily give this a try, unfortunately unless you present a budget of some sort, it's hard for me to know whether it's worth my while to start. If you've got a really serious budget then i'd be pushed out by the more experienced/better engineers here. Edit: pm me if you don't want to make it public
I like the vocals as well, they remind me of A Perfect Circle.

I just finished preparing all the tracks and other preliminary stuff. I'll post a version of my mix today or perhaps tomorrow.
Here's my very very rough mix, without vocals unfortunately. The acoustic guitars and strings are a little dry, i'm gonna give them some subtle reverb when i have the time. Had to wrap this up kind of quickly because i'll be away for work the rest of the week.

Anyhoo! Here it is.

Quite different settings then i normally use, but that isn't a bad thing per se ;) I cranked some frequencies which for me in some metal mixes is a absolute no-go, but this aint metal ;) Also i slammed the Masterbus Compressor pretty hard (not too hard i hope) to give it a pretty commercial FAT sound. Hope you like it :)
My attempt. Quite rough, would definitely need more automation work in order to be anywhere near release worthy. The chorus sounds a bit flat and lifeless atm, needs more work.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/910836/singy thing.mp3

yeahhh, i forgot the snare roll.

Edit: the master is a bit rubbish here as well, not enough difference in volume between the loud and quiet sections.

2nd Edit: I went for a quite an old-school feel to the drums, listening to the sample you sent of the other track, maybe that wasn't what you were looking for