mixing contest, paid job offer, rock music

If I might ask, why are there many popping sounds all throughout the drum tracks?

I noticed this. If you zoom right in you can see that there was some sort of digital crosstalk in some places, i.e. 10 samples of room in the snare track. In other cases it's just that for some reason most snare hits seem to have caused a few samples to end up completely out of place.

Seeing as i reckon i've been severely outclassed here :p I just thought i'd mention that when you come to choose the one you want, individual things can be fixed in any mix, ie you want the vocals brighter or to bring out more of the strings, but the overall quality is the important thing. I'm sure you know this already, just saying remember not to scrap a mix because you don't like 1 particular, easily changed element.

Edit: slightly OT but Ermz, did you use any samples with the drums? Not in any way asking for what ones or anything, i just wondered what your approach to drums is when you're just given stem tracks and no samples of the actual kit used.
Wow, lots of entries in a short space of time.

Crosstalk eh, never good. To be honest, to get around it in a short space of time I simply replaced both kick and snare 100%, which is usually my very last resort. However the last thing you want to do is sit there fixing these things for a rough mix that might get discarded in the end. The raw kick and snare sounds really aren't flash hot either, so it made sense. The room mics and overheads are way up there, so you're getting a ton of the original sound anyway.

Agreed to not discard based on any individual element. I was kind of pensive about posting my mix in such a rough state, but I think overall it shows the sort of character I'd want in the track. Little things like low-end clarity, or overall mix fidelity are rectified with more touch-ups. I need to really embrace Randy's approach and pump a ton more low-end into the overheads, rooms and kick. Just a hard habit to get into when coming from metal.

Also thanks for the kind words Jauernis. Hopefully I'll get a chance to finish it, if the band like where it's going.
Yeah i found the original snare and kick very hard to work with, ended up with a sortof 85sample-15original mix on both of them. I've made efforts to use the low end from OHs and room mics, but i always find that unless it's a really nice kit in an even nicer room it just ends up messing things up.

@kluczewp: If it's not going to be over the deadline (not sure whether you meant on the 16th or before the 16th) then I'll post a new mix tomorrow (well today really, depends what time zone you're in) with a few drum tweaks and a general rethink of guitar and bass tones.
I would prefer not to move deadline any longer. If you win you will have the chance to do mix as you wish. Does anyone of you knows how to do a enquiry on this thread or if I make a list of mixes as before?
[UEAK]Clowd;8961304 said:
damn Ermz - that sounds sick. clean and punchy as fuck.

what are you using for mastering?

I would prefer not to move deadline any longer. If you win you will have the chance to do mix as you wish. Does anyone of you knows how to do a enquiry on this thread or if I make a list of mixes as before?

No problem, just wondering as when i listened back i wasn't happy with it. To add a poll, click thread tools at the top right and it's in the drop down menu.
Has anyone got time for a noob question?

I have downloaded the files because I would like the practice, I have brought all the files into sonar 8.5, sounding good. I set the bpm to 118 but the kick is all over the show. I couldnt open the tempo track, what does that even do?
any help would be great!

Has anyone got time for a noob question?

I have downloaded the files because I would like the practice, I have brought all the files into sonar 8.5, sounding good. I set the bpm to 118 but the kick is all over the show. I couldnt open the tempo track, what does that even do?
any help would be great!


check the takes are aligned properly, i.e. do they all start at 0

i think all the tracks are full length on this aren't they? can't check from here
Alright here's a CLA/Randy hybrid style draft: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/285689/MissTemptation-4.mp3

Apologies for the low-end, it's still a little out there. If I might ask, why are there many popping sounds all throughout the drum tracks?

GG. Really impressive man. I really struggled to mix this one for some reason.. I think were intonation issues in the guitars or something (there were a few wrong notes hit also), but overall just hard to get a good sound out of :/