Mixing is complete...

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Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
NOVEMBER 25th, 2004

We are happy to announce that the mixing process with the amazing Dan Swano is now complete. Dan worked many long days and nights to make sure we were 100% happy with the final product, offering several versions of each song. We could not be more pleased with this entire process. Dan is one of the hardest working people in metal, and he treated Novembers Doom as if it were one of his own projects. We have a great deal of respect for him, and our eternal gratitude for making this as perfect as it is. Swano fans won't be disappointed either, as there is a guest appearance on the CD from him.

The recordings will now be shipped to James Murphy (Death, Obituary, Testament) for mastering. With some of the great CD's we've heard James do, this should be an absolutely amazing sounding CD, and we're looking forward to everyone hearing it!

Artwork, a newly designed website, and some possible samples will all be revealed in the very near future!
Woah awesome! Oh wait, what the heck? This isn't for the new CD? Hahah yeah, word... I just ordered a new copy of the Pale Horse Departure from Amazon for my birthday like a month ago and it hasn't come in yet, and missed the birthday deadline, which sucks. Damnazon! Mmm but yeah, from what I've heard, the production on this CD is way too strong for my speakers. :( Rhythms are thick as heck.
What is the concept for the art? Is it gonna be like, dead chicks with boobs? Doom bands like Swallow the Sun and My Dying Bride released albums with boob chicks... :)
Yes this is gonna be great. And the Swanomiester has guest spot again grrrrreat! is it another solo? or maybe some vox?
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