MIXING TIME, SONG3: Complete Feared song inside

I hope your opinions. All presets of tracks and groups are those who regularly use with my band, InMemoriam ArEs, including drum kit from SD2 (toms of Evil Drums, snares of Metal Foundry and MetalHeads, kicks of Metalheads, OH of Metal Foundry...)

Note: I started in October in the world of mixing and mastering, I expect you to be benevolent, hehehe.

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Does anyone want to post reaper project files of their mixes of this? Preferably with free ampsims? I'm trying to learn how to mix and it would be really helpful for me and most likely other noobs like me would appreciate it too :D

Here's My MIX.


Guitars, on this one, are digital (next will do reamp)

Bass is BOD

Vocals with UAD plugins
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Heres my shot at it.

It would seem mine is on the brighter side, comepared to the other mixes here.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9231212/feared LRA HI.mp3

I bought an SM57 the day before I reamped this. Needless to say, I havent had the time to practice mic positioning yet.

I've used only the stock samples in S2.0 as well as only using the stock plugins in Cubase 5.
I've also made some minor changes in the drums and vocals.

Please post some critique of my mix. I really need it to improve my mixes in the future.

By the way, awesome song Ola.
Solid DIs. VERY easy to work with.


Updated version here.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9231212/feared new drums 5.mp3
Still not final, though.

I downloaded some drum samples and blended the snare and kick samples with the ones in S2.0.
Also downloaded an EQ and Compressor plugin for the master bus and spent alot of time trying to clean up the mix.

Its better without a doubt, but still not as good as I would have liked it. I'm still pretty much a noob when it comes to this, but this has been very helpfull.