

Jan 8, 2008
Who in here does "long-distance mixing"? :)

My band has recorded all the instruments for a full-length album (6 songs - total 36 mins).
The music is best compared to early works of Ulver and Taake.

Now we are looking for someone to mix the the damn thing.

Since we live in Norway and most of you do not we are looking for someone who can download the tracks from a server, mix and upload a finished stereo track ready for mastering. We have our own little 1gb server that we can use for this (ftp).
The tracks will all start from the same point so to say so you dont have to do any aligning or anything.

So if you do this kind of work then contact me either here or on (skorpion696REMOVETHESECAPSEDLETTERS @ hotmail.com)

Im interested in hearing how you usually work when you do these things.
I can also hook you up with mp3's of the raw material so you can give it a listen.

You'll find a lot of people doing this kind of things here.

I've sent a dvd from Belgium to Sweden to get my tracks mixed for my band.

A 1gb server is gonna be a little short I think for 6 tracks.
Off subject (didnt want to start a new tread)

Is there somewhere a reference guide to mixing (mostly metal) that guides guidance in where to pan different things and by how much, to get a good balanced starting point. Sorry i am new and finding this to be hard to get things settled.
Off subject (didnt want to start a new tread)

Is there somewhere a reference guide to mixing (mostly metal) that guides guidance in where to pan different things and by how much, to get a good balanced starting point. Sorry i am new and finding this to be hard to get things settled.

Tricky.. Like most things, it depends :)

What I always do is placing the snare and bassdrum dead center. And usually the lead vocals are also dead center. Same goes for lead guitar and bass guitar too really.

I read a book about mixing once and it had some really nice "visualization images" that I found helpful. I cant remember the name right now but Ill post the name when I do.

Then again, Im asking for someone to mix for me here so what the fuck do I know :)