MLB 2008 - Official Thread

I know what you mean. You watch these guys almost every day for six months straight, it starts to feel like you know them.

Last season, I was there for Joba Chamberlains first appearance at the Stadium. He'd only pitched, like, twice at that point, but already everyone was crazy for him. He rocked that night, of course, and everyone in the Stadium was on their feet, chanting. "Jo-ba! Jo-ba!". 21 year old kid, in the bigs for a matter of days, and already he's got a stadium full of fans chanting his name. Awesome.

How about the "attack of the bugs" scene in Cleveland. That was one of those strange moments I'll never forget. I think it effected all the players, but more so Joba, who by the way is going to be scary good!
The Bucholz no hitter was great and I received a nice still-picture / gift of his final pitch with the scoreboard in the backdrop as he is delivering the final pitch of the no-no!
The Giants will probably be bad, but they have a lot of young talent (if stupid Bochy doesn't squander it somehow)
I'm going to merge this with sports soon unless anyone objects. TIACN brought this up in a PM with me and brought it to my attention. He made the point that, in the coming months, pretty much everyone is just going to talk about baseball anyway, so it makes more sense to just have it in there.

All in favor, say yea.
Doesn't matter to me. I created this thread so that discussion of other sports may have more room to occur without being drowned out by baseball discussion. But since it's my thread, nay.
I'd keep em separated for now.
We still have NHL & NBA with playoffs to come.
Doesn't really matter to me.
Then this shall stay by popular decree of the senators in presence here. Any other senators of ye olde Ultimate Metal GMD/Social wish to raise a hand in opinion?