sure, but it's not like nate is the best in that division or anything, nor did he have anything like a full camp. conor's learned the perils of overconfidence just as ronda did, methinks.
hooooooooooooooooooooooooooly shit. i was wrong, she did it! that was awesome.

go here dude.

Man it was fucking awesome. I said it from the start Meisha Tate is the most improved fighter in that division since she last fought/lost to Rousey. And she just exploited the biggest weakness in Holly's game, and that's her ground game she had a hard time defending Meisha's wrestling abilities which are probably the best in her division. And I fucking love her, she totally deserved it after the giant joke that Dana White pulled that she was guaranteed to fight rousey for the title again but was passed on to Holm. And that was easily the best fight in the women's division by far. It was great.


hahahahaha, Mcgregor is an idiot
He had his hands down the whole time.
Cocky fuck

Let's be honest here jumping 3 weight classes in 11 days is not going to be easy on fight day for anyone on such short notice. Dudes not used to being around that weight class. I think if Conor had more time to prepare at that weight, I'm sure he would of demolished Diaz.
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He lost because he was cocky
Nate tagged him constantly
He was out there trying to throw massive shots.

Yeah sure, but Connor has never really been hit hard before and he's always fought with his hands down alot of times. And to say that the bump up to 3 weight classes in 11 days notice isn't a factor is bullshit because it is. I guarantee you if they had a longer camp to prepare for a fight at that weight class I think that outcome is alot different.

Atleast McGregor was humble about the defeat. Unlike that punk ass bitch Diaz "If I had more time to prepare he wouldn't of touched me" Dudes even cockier than McGregor IMO.
for some reason i thought the fight was going to be at lightweight or a nearby catch weight. Didn't think he would be jumping up weight that much. Even so, with a bit of preparation he have probably toyed with Nate, like he was doing in the first round. That being said, i've also been saying mcgregor isnt as good as people think he is, dana's just good at selling wolf tickets and making every one of his new cash cows into "THE GREATEST EVER P4P FIGHTER ON THE PLANET" ... and the casul mma fans seem to be very sheepish and love jumping on the latest fads and eating all of his shit up.
the idea that conor was the one disadvantaged by the short notice match-up is very dubious to me. conor had all the power here, he was already preparing for a fight, he chose nate as his replacement opponent, nate is the one who was out of shape which is the entire reason this bout happened at 170. nate is after all a natural 155er like RDA, he doesn't regularly fight up at 170. conor has never looked particularly healthy trying to make 145, so people are overstating the natural size difference between the pair too if you ask me.

i really think all that happened here is conor came up against a guy who could handle his power and could crack his chin, and perhaps that's going to be the way of things at the higher weight classes. maybe there was more truth than we realised to nate's claims that conor's been feasting on "midgets", in the sense that conor's been relying on physical advantages. obviously conor has the greater skill-set and maybe if he'd fought more disciplined he'd have won the fight, but that's on him. these excuses about a short camp seem like painful reaching to me, if anything a longer camp would've benefitted diaz.
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You just severely underestimated Nate Diaz and all the excuses can't hide it. The man has possibly the greatest cardio in UFC history and holds the record for most punches thrown in a single round, plus his mental/troll game is leagues above Conor's.

Conor got a reality check, I hope he uses it to improve.
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the idea that conor was the one disadvantaged by the short notice match-up is very dubious to me. conor had all the power here, he was already preparing for a fight, he chose nate as his replacement opponent, nate is the one who was out of shape which is the entire reason this bout happened at 170. nate is after all a natural 155er like RDA, he doesn't regularly fight up at 170. conor has never looked particularly healthy trying to make 145, so people are overstating the natural size difference between the pair too if you ask me.

i really think all that happened here is conor came up against a guy who could handle his power and could crack his chin, and perhaps that's going to be the way of things at the higher weight classes. maybe there was more truth than we realised to nate's claims that conor's been feasting on "midgets", in the sense that conor's been relying on physical advantages. obviously conor has the greater skill-set and maybe if he'd fought more disciplined he'd have won the fight, but that's on him. these excuses about a short camp seem like painful reaching to me, if anything a longer camp would've benefitted diaz.

Diaz said post fight that he and all fighters should be ready for a fight next week, so I don't think he was out of shape. McGregor also said he tried to fight 145, 155 and I think 160 with Diaz but was always denied.

McGregor lost because he was undisciplined and inefficient, and he admitted that.

But how the Tate/Holm fight is considered good is mind boggling. There was like 2 rounds where nothing happened and Tate is so much worse she had to just prey on a mistake....zzzzzz
Diaz said post fight that he and all fighters should be ready for a fight next week, so I don't think he was out of shape. McGregor also said he tried to fight 145, 155 and I think 160 with Diaz but was always denied.

McGregor lost because he was undisciplined and inefficient, and he admitted that.

But how the Tate/Holm fight is considered good is mind boggling. There was like 2 rounds where nothing happened and Tate is so much worse she had to just prey on a mistake....zzzzzz

How did she pray on a mistake lol... Holly's ground game is garbage and those 2 rounds that Tate took her down she dismantled her. Hell Holm is lucky she even made it past the 2nd round after that first rear naked choke attempt. And to say Tate is so much worse is absolutely ridiculous. She's 5 and 0 since she last fought Rousey. She's improved an incredible amount.
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plus his mental/troll game is leagues above Conor's.

ehh he seemed pretty out of his depth in that department IMO, seemed like conor was totally getting under his skin and barely vice versa at the press conference etc. i still massively prefer nate's schtick to conor's though. i don't really think the mind games were a factor here, both guys fought the way they normally do.

not sure if you were talking to me re: underestimating diaz, but my whole point was everyone else is underestimating diaz (and/or overestimating conor) with these 'size difference' and 'short camp' excuses.

@rms: nate has been out of shape pretty frequently in the past, and also claimed in that very same interview that he wasn't in peak condition and wouldn't have been touched at all if he was in shape. twas a bit self-contradictory i'll grant you.

and yeah, silly to criticise tate for not being as good on her feet as an ex boxer whose striking is her biggest strength. she chose the perfect moments to bring the fight into her own backyard, and punished holly there far moreso than holly punished her while standing.

edit: whoops, left a couple garbled sentences in there i meant to delete. should make more sense now
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Y'know since it seems to be fine to comment on these people winning or losing, is it also fine to say that this sport has reduced the human IQ by atleast 5. These people train their guts out yet unlike boxing there are far too many factors...besides hand eye coordination, physical speed, strength , the ability to foresee and predict an opponents moves etc there are too many things that happen like a guy can be looking out for the expected takedown to get knocked out by an amateur looking punch,the sport is undoubtedly run by a guy who wants to make $. I know nothing about MMA or UFC but I don't like this Dana White he seems to have little regard or respect for the guys that have come and gone and made him rich. Fuck him.
oh, he's an exploitative son of a bitch, for sure. that's another reason to glory in his cash cows getting stopped in their tracks. i don't really see how that ties in with the nature of the sport itself though, MMA has long preceded UFC and dana. i'm not sure i understand your criticism anyways, are you saying there's too much luck and randomness involved? i get that it seems that way just recently given all the high profile shocks but i'd say most of the time people win fights because they were the better fighter, had the better gameplan or stuck to it better, made less serious mistakes, etc, same as boxing. and i say that as someone who much prefers boxing.
I guess the Anderson Silva fight where he had his shin snapped from blocking as he was trained as a good example, hes(white) putting more and more $ into this sport (which is a broad term in itself) there by seems to have a shit load of schools though they seem to be run for the UFC because there are a lot of disciplines in MMA as you know. What's stopping a Krav Maga dude from walking in and ripping out a guys throat, I know that's not likely to happen but I think it would be to the benefit of MMA if it were being run by someone better. Seems fairly primitive ATM.

I have probably drunk far too much but with boxing, the build up and everything, looking back now on the legendary fights, no one was ever going to get seriously injured. This however I think is a taste of what the colosseum might have been like.
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fair enough, although i think you're underestimating the dangers of boxing. i'm aware of a few fairly high profile boxers who've gone into comas in just the past couple of years, i get the impression the slow, sustained bludgeoning is worse health-wise than being suddenly injured or smashed a few times on the mat. the fighters do at least have more power and financial reward than they do in the UFC though. dana is a prick who's essentially monopolised the sport to the point where he can financially screw over his fighters. obviously, boxing has gone way too far in the other direction, split into several orgs none of which have much real power, with fighters making shitloads of money despite cherry-picking their opponents. i imagine it'd be good for any combat sport if it could have the best of both worlds and eradicate the worst, or more realistically come to some kind of sensible compromise between the more unpleasant extremes.
MMA has long preceded UFC

Actually no, it hasnt. If you're talking vale tudo and some bootleg underground tough guys contests, than yea. But MMA(which we called NHB back then) pretty much started with the UFC. The term MMA actually comes from the UFC.

@no country for old wainds He's a big featherweight(145lbs) who was training to fight a lightweight, and instead he fought a 170 pounder on short notice. You cant see any problems that might pop up there? Anyway, taking a fight on short notice can be a double edged sword for both fighters.

edit #3:
but i'd say most of the time people win fights because they were the better fighter, had the better gameplan or stuck to it better, made less serious mistakes, etc, same as boxing. and i say that as someone who much prefers boxing.

While i def agree with you here, MMA can be much more of a dice roll than boxing.

@JontRevolting Oh and boxers are actually at a much, much higher level as far as the whole "prediction": anticipation, hand eye-coordination thing goes.

And a krav maga guy would probably have his conciseness separated form him if he tried to train with elite mixed martial artists.
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You are absolutely right, just the other day I heard on the radio that American football clubs are paying people to look out for head knocks and those guys are well protected as it would seem. And yeah those punch accumulate over the years, maybe I really wanted to comment on the lack of empathy I see from the crowds when a fight is over but I guess they pay to be there.. Who knows either way mate a good discussion and people being people will continue to beat, stab and all the rest but it's 6:20 here I'm off to bed comrade!
@TechnicalBarbarity yeah sorry that was meant to come through as part of my , argument. I saw the Jeff Fenech/Azuma Nelson fights as a kid, legendary fights those dudes where machines but they were so quick and well trained that they cancel each other out, sporting perfection and after a while it was like watching a video game, each walked home relatively u scathed and a few million richer probably.
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