MOD done recording..


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Ok hammer heads here is the scoop. We are done tracking and will load our gear back into the rehearsal spot so we can audition bass players. We are going to start playing weekend gigs until the new record comes out.
Hopefully this will be the start of good things to come for me and the guys this years. We mix on march 4th for 6 days.
The web site which is being put together as we speak will be more information based as far as what I have done and what services my company
Brand X Entertainment provides and how you can contact us for what ever your needs are. Can't wait for you to hear the record.
Looking forward to seeing you guys out on the road. The new record sessions the rough mix sounded brutal and raw just the way I like my M.O.D.

I will support you guys iin anyway I can. If ya need a place to crash on the Island instead of a Hotel you can crash on the entire first floor of my house. My wife will even cook for ya.

Best Regards,


Looking forward to seeing you guys out on the road. The new record sessions the rough mix sounded brutal and raw just the way I like my M.O.D.

I will support you guys iin anyway I can. If ya need a place to crash on the Island instead of a Hotel you can crash on the entire first floor of my house. My wife will even cook for ya.

Best Regards,



Same here Billy...I'm always here for you!:headbang:
Oh, yes can't wait to hear the new record. Will you do a weekend show in Tokyo? That would be killer. Maybe not realistic. Anyways, M.O.D. rules!!!:kickass:
Lookin forward to it Billy. Best of luck lookin forward to seeing you guys on the east coast. Maybee hit up the Chance theatre in Poughkeepsie
I am listening to all the rough tracks right now and I can say this.
I think I did a good job of it. The songs are more old school new york hardcore than anything I have done since my first MOD record.
I hope to get out on tour and actually meet some of you guys
Mat and know a few of you already but this should be a good record to tour on. It will have 13 tracks and about 45 minutes.
I hope everyone digs it, if not, too bad.
I'm sure some lefty pinko fuck in the german press will slag me.
Oh well, I'll just have to go there more than once.
So Billy, will the new website have an online store? I'd like to get me a t-shirt from your previous tour, and maybe more?

Can't wait to get my hands on the new album. ETA? What label?
I am listening to all the rough tracks right now and I can say this.
I think I did a good job of it. The songs are more old school new york hardcore than anything I have done since my first MOD record.
I hope to get out on tour and actually meet some of you guys
Mat and know a few of you already but this should be a good record to tour on. It will have 13 tracks and about 45 minutes.
I hope everyone digs it, if not, too bad.
I'm sure some lefty pinko fuck in the german press will slag me.
Oh well, I'll just have to go there more than once.

Come to Michigan!!!! The week that you played at Ten Bells in Grand Rapids was the same week that me and my buddies go on our fishing trip up north. I tried to talk them into hitting up the show and then heading straight to the cabin but no dice:erk: I would love to shake your hand and buy ya a brew, Billy. Hope to see ya on tour:headbang:
Hate to keep sayin it but STILL waitin for the low-down on last year's KILLITH FAIR. We never got the Milano take on how he felt about the tour, the other performers, the different venues, the best fans, the stupidest fans, and so on.

Maybe some day...

Can't wait to get my hands on the new album. ETA? What label?

Me neither. I'm really exited about this new album. I'm doing an interview with Scott Sargeant as we speak. I think a lot of questions that were being asked here (like Frankie's), will be answered in that interview.

So, if you have a little patience, you will get lots of info about the new album very soon. 75% of the interview is done already, so probably before in this weekend (or even before) the entire interview will be online!!!

I promise that it'll be an interesting and entertaining interview!

I hope to get out on tour and actually meet some of you guys
Mat and know a few of you already but this should be a good record to tour on. It will have 13 tracks and about 45 minutes.
I hope everyone digs it, if not, too bad.
I'm sure some lefty pinko fuck in the german press will slag me.
Oh well, I'll just have to go there more than once.

Buzzin already come to England pal 'my casa su casa' (2 up 2 down mid terrace LOL) be a bit tight but ur welcome to the floor :kickass: ... I had never been in a position to see u play b4 ($), but now fuck it i'll see as many gigs as i can:worship: ...As for the krauts bypass the fuckin sausage muchin, laydahoe wearing, sandel moshing , dodgy facial hair beach lounger nickers:lol: :lol: .p.s No radio mix's on this one mate:erk: .
Put a shout out to all your fans!!

But mainly me! I've only got recognition on one album, by Beheaded.
Excellent! Can't wait to hear it...and am wondering the same thing as it being released on Nuclear Ass or are you self-releasing?

Also, I hope you can make it to Indianapolis...maybe drink a couple pints after the show or something...