Moderation & Board Issues

What makes you think the PMs won't be read? I've been on boards where that happened before. I must warn people planning to PM Judas69 that Speed and Final Product may read your messages. Of course, they will deny this, stating that they are only moderators of this sub-forum, but can you take that chance? Well. can you? Tread carefully.
Demiurge said:
What makes you think the PMs won't be read? I've been on boards where that happened before. I must warn people planning to PM Judas69 that Speed and Final Product may read your messages. Of course, they will deny this, stating that they are only moderators of this sub-forum, but can you take that chance? Well. can you? Tread carefully.

Yes, and when I find out who pm's Judas, I will persecute them like the tyrant I am. Fear my wrath!
Ha. Personally, I have yet to see a problem with their moderation. I do see that speed has pushed his power, however I don't see why thats a problem. It just makes for better posts and threads, knowing that someone is really taking serious thought into other's posts.

If I may suggest, I think speed should be less 'anal', as one so put it, and just sit back and relax. I don't see him being 'anal'as much as some of you, just that he DOES use his power.

No one should really know who the moderators are, except those who get in trouble. This usually does best for a forum, as I have ran many in the past and present.
AnvilSnake said:
Ha. Personally, I have yet to see a problem with their moderation. I do see that speed has pushed his power, however I don't see why thats a problem. It just makes for better posts and threads, knowing that someone is really taking serious thought into other's posts.

If I may suggest, I think speed should be less 'anal', as one so put it, and just sit back and relax. I don't see him being 'anal'as much as some of you, just that he DOES use his power.

No one should really know who the moderators are, except those who get in trouble. This usually does best for a forum, as I have ran many in the past and present.

Well thank you.

Everything has been pretty cut and dry the last few weeks in terms of closed threads, other than our little holocaust/Nazi problem (a thread left open mind you--without any deleted posts). I think for the most part, regular posters understand what they can and should post, as some precedent has been set. The first few months should be the most active time, and we were elected if you will, to be active as the forum had gone to crap with silly pubescent arguments. Unfortunately, besides Infoterror, Norsemaiden, and the occasional thread by another intelligent poster, we have a real falling off of interesting threads. Apparently, these juvenile threads were quite popular.

Finally, unfortunately due to the limited number of twenty five to thirty people who post here regularly, Final Product and I are going to stand out. Especially when some surfer of this site, swoops down and posts something idiotic, like a thread about his band or how much he loves people; we are going to close them down, and attract attention.
speed said:
other than our little holocaust/Nazi problem

I think overall this was handled quite well.

The problem with taboo belief is the tendency to become defensive. Racial topics, Holocaust topics (which do not solely concern Nazis), etc. cause reactions that block our seeing the truth.

In my view, philosophers labor to overcome this confusion. Logical argument is superior to emotional appeal.

Good luck translating that to moderation.
Norsemaiden said:
I want to do a thread about promiscuity.

My thoughts are that you might do well to use Kant's word: incontinence. He applies it to everything from promiscuity to gluttony to alcoholism to uncontrolled personal violence (sounds like an emo band). Naturally, I am certain the 90% male membership of this forum will be shocked, hurt, disappointed and dismayed to find out that ANY female members are against promiscuity, especially if they're also against net-sex.

I pretty much agree with the above. Generally I don't have a problem with the moderation but I do think that some of the comments from the Moderators are just as sarcastic and pointless as some of the other users. I have refrained from saying things that I would like to have said with regard to the UFO thread because I felt it would be deleted by Mods and was ultimately pointless, only to have Speed say it for me. But people are people at the end of the day and if they have something sarcastic and pointless that they want to 'contribute' they I guess it's going to happen, whether you're a Mod or not.
Speed and I will be the first to admit we were both a tad over zealous with our moderation initially. We were finding our feet, so to speak.

We have taken a more laid back approach to things now than we originally did. We have zero problems with possibly offensive threads, if argued well. Also, since becoming moderators we have deleted almost no threads/posts and only locked several.
Speed and FP should remain as moderators. If anything, they have been far too lenient with respect to the level of seriousness and thought that goes into most threads.

I also think they have been very even handed with controversial topics. I know that is a tough balance- anywhere else and those threads would have been deleted instantly.

I would post here regularly if I thought more than three guys were going to engage what I type, with the rest bantering about poorly developed conspiracy theories.
I'm happy with the way you are moderating now Speed and Final Product, you are not as quick to censor as you were - and I have accepted there are limitations to what can be said in terms of how offensive other people find it.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I appreciate and respect the moderation. Sometimes, just because you have the freedom to say something doesn't mean you should. It doesn't come down to freedom of speech and expression. Rather, just good old common sense. Which is lacking these days in all walks of life. No matter the country you come from, or how institutionally educated you are. Smarts and common sense.....along with respect.....are much different than intelligence. Just my opinion.
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
Rather, just good old common sense. Which is lacking these days in all walks of life. No matter the country you come from, or how institutionally educated you are. Smarts and common sense.....along with respect.....are much different than intelligence. Just my opinion.
sadly it is quite frequently those that are the most institutionally educated that are actually the most lacking when it comes to common sense and respect, where they get their master's degree before joining this forum (i'm not gonna say any names) and then look down their noses at everyone else with the attitude of
"i'm better than you because i went to college and you didn't"
"my post is valid and yours isn't because i went to college and you didn't"

it was this kind of shit that made all the racial threads turn to crap
Personally I am happy with the moderation since the guys took over, it's been good.

On top of that, we all have a much better understanding of each other so even when we do get heated, we're all more patient because we have a better idea of each others political/philosophical stance.
sadly it is quite frequently those that are the most institutionally educated that are actually the most lacking when it comes to common sense and respect, where they get their master's degree before joining this forum (i'm not gonna say any names) and then look down their noses at everyone else with the attitude of
"i'm better than you because i went to college and you didn't"
"my post is valid and yours isn't because i went to college and you didn't"

it was this kind of shit that made all the racial threads turn to crap

You bring up a good point here, as institutionally educated people are not necessarily any smarter or better than those not educated in a formal manner. This would actually be a good thread which you could start.

Now that being said, LRD, for the most part, you are entirely devoid of any prior philosophical knowledge or background, plus your posts are generally on a 5th grade writing level. Of course those that are a bit more educated than you, are going to point out your deficiencies--its human nature. You also seem to have an inate hostility (as in your habitual comments of this nature) to anything remotely complex or ideas removed from everyday life. This is fine, and such criticism of this nature on many topics is well deserved and a breath of fresh air, but, you do understand most things philosophical are complex, and require some background knowledge.

However, this allows you a unique perspective on things many of this do not have. Thus, what I am saying is, you are just going to have to deal with pompous behavior, know-it-all's, obscure esoteric ideas, needlessly complex things, because in many ways, this is philosophy.
speed said:
You bring up a good point here, as institutionally educated people are not necessarily any smarter or better than those not educated in a formal manner. This would actually be a good thread which you could start.

I find that being educated in a formal manner leaves holes in your personal philosophical ideas and thoughts. You tend to build a basis off of other philosophers, and from there, (this does not apply to all of you, from what I've seen) some of these people become ignorant and one-dimensional towards other ideas and such. I for one have never been formally educated, nor have I ever read anything philosophical up until the last few weeks. Except the Bible, listening to church sermons, and I have been high-school educated. I never took any philosophy classes or anything of the kind.

Of course this does not apply to everyone, because people including myself will begin to study philosophy with an already strong and structured basis.
AnvilSnake said:
I find that being educated in a formal manner leaves holes in your personal philosophical ideas and thoughts. You tend to build a basis off of other philosophers, and from there, (this does not apply to all of you, from what I've seen) some of these people become ignorant and one-dimensional towards other ideas and such. I for one have never been formally educated, nor have I ever read anything philosophical up until the last few weeks. Except the Bible, listening to church sermons, and I have been high-school educated. I never took any philosophy classes or anything of the kind.

Of course this does not apply to everyone, because people including myself will begin to study philosophy with an already strong and structured basis.
thank you
this is exactly what i was trying to say in post 54
sadly it is quite frequently those that are the most institutionally educated that are actually the most lacking when it comes to common sense and respect, where they get their master's degree before joining this forum (i'm not gonna say any names) and then look down their noses at everyone else with the attitude of
"i'm better than you because i went to college and you didn't"
"my post is valid and yours isn't because i went to college and you didn't"

it was this kind of shit that made all the racial threads turn to crap

Unfortunately, I can name far too many good people that have strong academic credentials from prominent institutions.....that will never achieve any semblance of financial or personal success. Theoretical understanding does not equal practical experience. Simply stated, you may be able to identify and define all the elements and components of a light bulb. But when the time came, would you have the common sense to turn off the power and replace that very bulb? Of course, this is just a generalization. But many highly educated people would even have challenges understanding the very point I'm trying to make right now.

But if the shoe fits.....
I recall an interesting story in a biography of Bertrand Russell.

He was visiting friends one week during the autumn months, when all of a sudden they needed to dash from the house for an afternoon. Worried at being left alone, Russell asked; "who shall make my afternoon tea?!" (It being a well known fact that Russell MUST have a cup of tea every afternoon, lest he become cranky) In response, his hosts replied: "You shall, dear Bertrand!", to which he replied; "But I do not know how!".

Confused by the situation whereby such a brilliant mind could not make his own afternoon tea, his hosts proceeded to lay out all of the utensils and pots etc and made a detailed, step by step guide on how to make the tea and then dashed off to their destination.

When the arrived several hours later, Russell was in an awful state and the tea remained un-made.

The stories of impractical philosophers are endlessly amusing :)
A note on forums:

Survey topics like "What are your favorite movies?" are always popular but never attract quality. Yes, this may sound fascist, but in my experience, it's true: users naturally make forums into places more like the other places they've been, and in doing so, crush what made those forums unique or worthy.