modern oldschool (Krank, Outboard, Real Drums)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
yep...pretty cool band actually IMO....
the thing is I thought it should sound organic and kinda "oldschool", the band is a fan of productions a la BFMV etc though. (and they're loving clicky kicks like Pantera).

so my goal was to combine should sound somewhat modern, or at least competitive to modern productions, I wanted to have it as old school as possible though...
So I didn't use ANY ITB Box compresison (only hardware...SSL, SmartC2, 1176. SafeSound etc) and I used LOOOOOOTS of compression, lol...actually everything is squashed to fuck and then again compressed parallel, lol.

No Samplereplacement on the drums (I wish we would have used Emperors instead of the pinstripes on the toms though), just 40-50% augmenting for consistency on the kick.

For the guitarsound I wanted it to sound "2203" but more modern in the lowend and voicing...but with the same squishyness. (it's 2 tracks of Krank Through Bogner Cab now).

I know, it's not really what the average Sneap fan loves, but I was going for a different thing on purpose...hope it's still good nonetheless.
I know it's rather bass-heavy, but I wanted it to have a really big bottomend....hope it's not too boomy ;)

I still have to do some automation etc, but here's the first draft, tell me what you think:

Reborn - Forever Known

I'm gonna turn the leadvox down a cunthair and reduce some limiting/compression in the mastering to reduce the pumping (wanna keep some of it though)

so, back to work, finishing the last HW tracks.......
Yeah, turn dem down a cunthair. :tickled:

I hear some probably unwanted guitar-string noises at some parts...but I guess there isn't much you do a bout them.

The bass is "rumbling" a bit too much for my taste - but well, it's taste. ;)
sounds great!
not a big fan of the music, but that's got nothing to do with the mix hehe.
was the krank boosted?
Wow man. Really organic sounding and super powerful. I don't mind all the bass, but things might clear up a bit with a hair less.

You do incredible guitars! And the drums are just about perfect for my taste...

Pretty cool band too... sometimes the vocals seem a touch loud.
i really like the lead sound (especially the wah)

could you give us more info, please?
Cool stuff man.

If I had to suggest anything I would maybe look at what's going on with the bass guitar. The low-mids seem a little 'warbly' if you know what I mean. I don't know what you used there but I found 1176s have a habit of doing this sometimes.

Also you could probably afford some fatter drums in stuff this slow too. I'd be pumping ridiculous lows into the OHs, Room etc. then parallel slamming everything for more sustain. The kick feels a little too modern metal... IMO anyway.

But a great achievement overall man. It's nice to hear all that outboard compression. Makes for a smoother overall sound, less abrasive.

Edit: Scratch that 'bass low-mids are warbly' thing. There is something odd to me about where the bass guitar sits, but I think it has more to do with the lows. Maybe too much cross-over between guitars and bass, or perhaps the bass is taking up too much low-end that usually goes to the kick. But anyway these are just stylistic things that are my preference. Good mix all the same!
Jesus that sounds ridiculous. I'm so used to samples I didn't think anyone could produce real instruments like that anymore.

Band sounds like WASP!:devil:
Everything from ~100hz up sounds incredible. The bass is resonating somewhere around 50 hz and clashing with the guitars in places. I really dig the mix, though, and that lead tone is delicious.