Modern Warfare 2 - who´ll grab it?

Hahaha I AM glad, that I didn´t play against you in this one. Together in one team would have been a totally win situation, I guess :lol: Fuck, I suck pretty hard in this game yet. It´s better, I train normal Death Match first. I don´t wanna be the guy, dragging the team down, man.

Hahaha, nah it dont matter. Just practice and brush up on yer skills and you'll be alright.
Bought the PC version today. The multyplayer is awesome. I´m loving the new maps, the only one I hated until now is the one on the snow with a train wrecked. Removing the 3x Frag Granade and the Martydom was a bless for the game. It´s a shame that they´ve kept Last Stand, n00b tube and the stupid choppers. At least now it´s easier to take´em down as there are better cannons than that terrible RPG of CoD4. Still gotta level a lot until I get the Cold Blood perk.
Anyone know if the M9 pistol shares ammo with the MP5K like it did on CoD4?
I suck? Ill decimate you. I've got a 2.10 k/d with 9000 kills and in a top clan, as well. You wouldnt stand a chance... so dont talk shit and be scared to try to back it up. Im talking about lag, which everyone's experienced.


I think im going to cry out of laughter. :lol:

No offence, but even if there was a provocation going on there, this was just fail. :D

I play in a top Insurgency clan and have 2.5 K/D, 0.62 frags a minute(In public.).
In matches i would probably have roughly 5-10 K/D.. but damn, i would never go of in a rant like: "RAWRZ!! I HAZ 2.5 K/D, WUNNA FHITE?! OR R U CHIKIN!? BISH!" :lol:

I think im going to cry out of laughter. :lol:

No offence, but even if there was a provocation going on there, this was just fail. :D

I play in a top Insurgency clan and have 2.5 K/D, 0.62 frags a minute(In public.).
In matches i would probably have roughly 5-10 K/D.. but damn, i would never go of in a rant like: "RAWRZ!! I HAZ 2.5 K/D, WUNNA FHITE?! OR R U CHIKIN!? BISH!" :lol:


You'd get stormed too. Dont come here acting up now when you couldnt even figure out what fucking console to buy.

PC clans dont even count anyways. kb/m isnt even remotely close to using a controller, and PCs arent MLG supported.

also, thanks for showing up about 4 days later and rehashing.

Nobody rolls a 5.0 k/d without camping their asses off. No one. NO ONE. Any stats shown that high are camps. 3.5 is about max and thats even from the MLG pros that are getting paid to play on the pro circuit.
You'd get stormed too. Dont come here acting up now when you couldnt even figure out what fucking console to buy.

PC clans dont even count anyways. kb/m isnt even remotely close to using a controller, and PCs arent MLG supported.

also, thanks for showing up about 4 days later and rehashing.

Aaaaw.. big tough nerdy guy gonna punch me in teh face? ;(
And i DID figure out what console to get.. i wanted a console that i use for fun, not pretending that im earning big cash(That il do on a pc.).

Console clans doesnt count.. seriously, how many console players earn over 200,000$ a year on gaming?
Wait... you just said that keyboard and mouse sucks? :lol: Oh god..

MLG? We have ESL(Who happens to host MLG.).. and ESL hosted CPL, WCG(500,000$ cash prize.), ESWC(200,000$ cash prize.), WSVG etc... but yeah, MLG is hardcore! ;)

What console games have reached the same competitive level as Quake, Counter-Strike, Starcraft, Warcraft and Painkiller?
What players are famous for being "epicz" at console games?
What are the big tournaments?

Nobody rolls a 5.0 k/d without camping their asses off. No one. NO ONE. Any stats shown that high are camps. 3.5 is about max and thats even from the MLG pros that are getting paid to play on the pro circuit.

Well, sort of camping.. but thats how Insurgency works.. you battle over controlling some parts of the map, and when you control them all, you win(Meaning you have to camp in that area to hold it.).
In quake its not uncommon that i end with 15-35 in k/d, without standing still even once(Try camping in quake and see what happens.).. so it depends completely on the game it self.
COD4 i have roughly 2.5 online i think.. havent played that much really.

Anyways, i think its fun that you go all "br00tals" when someone questions your reaction back there.
And i think its fun that you seriously seem to think that consoles are the 1# competitive platform for gamers. :lol:
With all due respect I think this discussion is stupid and embarassing.
Now, you fuckin addicts, can you tell me if MP5K shares ammo with M9 or any other secondary weapon on the game like it did on CoD4?
Aaaaw.. big tough nerdy guy gonna punch me in teh face? ;(
And i DID figure out what console to get.. i wanted a console that i use for fun, not pretending that im earning big cash(That il do on a pc.).

Console clans doesnt count.. seriously, how many console players earn over 200,000$ a year on gaming?
Wait... you just said that keyboard and mouse sucks? :lol: Oh god..

MLG? We have ESL(Who happens to host MLG.).. and ESL hosted CPL, WCG(500,000$ cash prize.), ESWC(200,000$ cash prize.), WSVG etc... but yeah, MLG is hardcore! ;)

What console games have reached the same competitive level as Quake, Counter-Strike, Starcraft, Warcraft and Painkiller?
What players are famous for being "epicz" at console games?
What are the big tournaments?

Well, sort of camping.. but thats how Insurgency works.. you battle over controlling some parts of the map, and when you control them all, you win(Meaning you have to camp in that area to hold it.).
In quake its not uncommon that i end with 15-35 in k/d, without standing still even once(Try camping in quake and see what happens.).. so it depends completely on the game it self.
COD4 i have roughly 2.5 online i think.. havent played that much really.

Anyways, i think its fun that you go all "br00tals" when someone questions your reaction back there.
And i think its fun that you seriously seem to think that consoles are the 1# competitive platform for gamers. :lol:

Good sir I do believe you deserve a +1
i think the only person it's embarassing is J. i'm not the only person who thinks the guy's made a complete and utter cunt of himself in this topic.
He gets pissed off because some kid dares to suggest it's not worth getting riled up over a video game and proceeds to tell him to jump off a cliff, real mature.
And anyway, anyone who truly gives a fuck about leagues doesn't sit around watching MLG videos all day. Watch any Counter-Strike 1.5 or 1.6 CPL game and your jaw will hit the floor faster than you can say "j is on PMS."
And lol @ anyone bashing PC clans. If it wasn't for PC clans and leagues existing for years and years before now, consoles wouldn't even have fucking MLG in the first place.


There are a LOT of lame, trivial things men can brag and argue endlessly about - how fast your car is, how many notes per second you can SHRED, how much ya bench - but I honestly think bragging about your skill in video games could very well be the lamest of them all. I mean, video game skill? Seriously? :lol:
There are a LOT of lame, trivial things men can brag and argue endlessly about - how fast your car is, how many notes per second you can SHRED, how much ya bench - but I honestly think bragging about your skill in video games could very well be the lamest of them all. I mean, video game skill? Seriously?

+ ∞
There are a LOT of lame, trivial things men can brag and argue endlessly about - how fast your car is, how many notes per second you can SHRED, how much ya bench - but I honestly think bragging about your skill in video games could very well be the lamest of them all. I mean, video game skill? Seriously? :lol:

Agreed. Cos nothing says manly like sitting down in front of your xbox and trying to increase your k/d ratio all day. :lol:
There are a LOT of lame, trivial things men can brag and argue endlessly about - how fast your car is, how many notes per second you can SHRED, how much ya bench - but I honestly think bragging about your skill in video games could very well be the lamest of them all. I mean, video game skill? Seriously? :lol:

Yeah, kind of my point..
Ive gone semi-pro in allot of competitive games(CS, QW, Q3, UT, INS etc.).. but that makes me a nerd! :lol:
Not really something you want to brag about.. unless you want bigger ePenis(=smaller IRL-penis.). ;)
Oh, and im pickup up this game as a Christmas present for my self!
Getting the PC-version as i cant stand playing FPS-games with lame f-ing controllers.

.. so December 19th i will be up for some ass-whopping! I's gonna be better than every one of all y'alls! :lol:
Talking about steam.. is this game pure steam on PC now days?
If not, can non-steam players see steam-servers?

.. i try not to put as little as possible on my steam account(For the reason that ive had one blocked due to "inactivity" = lost 3 games.).