Modern Warfare 2 - who´ll grab it?

Wasteland? :lol:

Wasteland or Underpass. D;

I got so happy before, because i got on a server playing Terminal.. but there they had a guy with an LMG standing out in the open, spinning around getting headshots on everyone on the server. :erk:
Underpass is a sweet map, I don´t know why people don´t like it. It has many routes to each side, vertical action, windows, close quarter and distance combat and an unique visual with the rain.
IMO the shit maps are Wasteland, Derail and Estate, that are basically camp or die and no variation of combat style. The new ones on the stimulus package seems pretty sweet.

And Notuern, I hear you about the hacks. I´m also playing on computer and it´s growing each day. Not much the hacked servers, but it´s incredible common to see dipshits using level hacks, wallhacks and aimbots. The shittiest thing is that without dedicated servers, most the time I leave a match because there´s a fag cheater and try to enter on another, it ends up on the exactly same I have left. It should be so easy to ban the motherfuckers and close their Steam account with all their games, but both Valve and Infinity Ward are giving a shit about their costumers.

Just removing the option of changing the nick on Steam would help.
Seriously, I fucking love Underpass, I always kick ass in it - MASSIVE +1 for Derail and especially Estate sucking ass, however! Can't say I'm too crazy about the Stimulus package maps; I never really liked Crash (fuck that stupid 3-story building :mad: ), and Overgrown is just "meh" IMO, and the car crusher junkyard one (with the dog house :lol: ) is a bit too claustrophobic IMO (the Russian warehouse one, "Storm" I think it's called, is pretty cool though)

Oh yeah, and Bailout is the worst of the batch IMO
Derail and Estate is fine on objective based game modes, but suck majorly in FFA and TDM-modes.
And as a leveldesigner, i just cant love Underpass.. there is to many small areas inside a big one(If you get what i mean.), there are so many small hiding spots all over the map, that no one ever move through any middle areas on the map(Because you can get shot from anywhere.).. so everyone ends up running in a big circle around the map, and there is ALLOT of spawnraping going on.

And from what ive seen in the stimulus package, i cant say that i am looking forward to it.
Crash and Overgrown where pretty bad IMO(Overgrown was decent.), Bailout seems like it was made from camping and Salvage looks perfect for shotgunners and noobtubers.
But Storm looks REALLY great, like a large version of Vacant. :)
Cheaters weekend on steam right now.
MW2 is free over the weekend, so everyone keeps creating new accounts to use their Wallhacks/Aimbots.. ive joined ~20 servers today, and there has been at the very least 2 cheaters on every server.
Great job by IW and VAC!

"The biggest benefit of using IWnet by far is the fact that you don’t have to worry about joining a server full of aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters. Or relying on the server admin of the server to constantly be monitoring, banning, and policing it. Modern Warfare 2 on PC allows us to control the quality of the game much more than ever before as well as utilizing the VAC (Valve-Anti-Cheat) system to keep games clean of hackers and cheaters."

Yup, true dat. :rolleyes: